
Sports beauty Liu Xiang Christmas Eve photo, dimples charming, a word shoulder is too seductive, the true goddess is undoubtedly

Text/Mr. Basket Guo

Mention Liu Xiang, for many people, is still very familiar, that is, she is a swimmer, in the sports circle is very well-known. There are at least 2 reasons behind this. The first reason is that Liu Xiang's results are very good, he has won many Asian championships before, and he also has world-class competitiveness. The second reason is that Liu Xiang's appearance is very high, and such an athlete is still easy to be noticed. These are all natural things. As a sports fan, I am also aware of this.

Sports beauty Liu Xiang Christmas Eve photo, dimples charming, a word shoulder is too seductive, the true goddess is undoubtedly

In any case, for sports fans, it is also a point of concern, liu xiang did not enter the previous Olympic stage. An important reason behind this is that her main project is not in the Olympic Games, she does not focus on the project, and she does not have absolute competitiveness. In this way, Liu Xiang also did not have the opportunity to enter the big list of the Olympic Games. Such a reality has attracted much attention.

Sports beauty Liu Xiang Christmas Eve photo, dimples charming, a word shoulder is too seductive, the true goddess is undoubtedly

As a sports fan, there are also some regrets. Because, if Liu Xiang attends, some people will say bluntly that she feels that she is the most beautiful Chinese athlete in the Olympic Games. Such a label, most likely, is hers. But what? Her absence was a situation of divergent opinions. Because, our beautiful athletes, there are still a lot, in various sports, on all fronts, there are some. All of this has been noticed.

Sports beauty Liu Xiang Christmas Eve photo, dimples charming, a word shoulder is too seductive, the true goddess is undoubtedly

December 24 is Christmas Eve. On such a night, many people will celebrate to a certain extent. Some people will play, some people will take pictures, these are different ways for different people to express their celebrations, as long as they are happy, as for what others say, it is irrelevant. These are also the principles of nature. For Liu Xiang, she also blessed a wave and wished everyone peace and security.

Sports beauty Liu Xiang Christmas Eve photo, dimples charming, a word shoulder is too seductive, the true goddess is undoubtedly

The night of Christmas Eve is such a saying, such a blessing, which is a universal truth. These are all without suspense and doubt. As a fan, I am also aware of this. For Liu Xiang, her copywriting is actually not the focus, the focus is on her pictures. For beautiful women, the most important thing about them is still pictures. For Liu Xiang, it is the same, because she is a big beauty.

Sports beauty Liu Xiang Christmas Eve photo, dimples charming, a word shoulder is too seductive, the true goddess is undoubtedly

It can be seen from the sunshine that Liu Xiang's photo with the Christmas tree is full of warm feelings. Similarly, Liu Xiang's personal expression is also very cute. As a swimmer, Liu Xiang has his own characteristics, and this time the photo gives people a super cute feeling. Of course, her dimples are also one of her characteristics. As a fan, you can also feel how charming her dimples are.

Sports beauty Liu Xiang Christmas Eve photo, dimples charming, a word shoulder is too seductive, the true goddess is undoubtedly

These are all natural things. Anyway, when we see Liu Xiang like this, it still gives people a very warm feeling. That is, she is both a goddess and a little sister of the leader, and it is extraordinary that she can be compatible with the aura of the two. Perhaps, this is the plasticity of beauty. In addition, Liu Xiang wears a white sweater, and the shoulders are also very distinctive and charming. These, for fans, are visible "beautiful".

Sports beauty Liu Xiang Christmas Eve photo, dimples charming, a word shoulder is too seductive, the true goddess is undoubtedly. Such a Liu Xiang is indeed a very good goddess. Seeing such photos gives people a feeling of being full of sunshine. Naturally, for fans, the more photos like this, the better.

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