
Change yourself, starting with execution

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A person's happiness is not because they have more, but because they know how to change themselves.

It is true that the state of life is constantly evolving, and it is constantly flowing.

This is also doomed, each of us can not live a fixed life in a fixed environment.

Even if the personality is nostalgic and stubborn, they will inevitably be abandoned by the times because of their stubbornness.

Change yourself, starting with execution

Not changing is to stand still, to stand still, to stand still, is to cut off the future, but also to cut off the possibility of happiness.


There is no doubt that in each of our hearts, from the first simplicity, we all long for something beautiful.

This yearning is a small wish in our inner world when we are young, and it is also the desire and expectation for some goals when we grow up.

However, we also have to admit the reality that most people, who obviously have goals and ideals, are lost in real life.

Change yourself, starting with execution

Then, in turn, they blame the cruelty of society, bless themselves for not being born at the right time, but they have not blamed themselves for not working hard enough.

We can calm down and think about a question: Can the life of complaining really bring us even the slightest change?

Admittedly, there are none, but why do so many people like to complain about this and complain about that?

Because they only want to be able to achieve what they want immediately, and want to realize their wishes immediately.

They will naively deceive themselves that, since their wishes are not exaggerated, they should be fulfilled soon.

It is in this process that they gradually lose themselves. There is nothing difficult in the eyes, and there is no work in the hand that you want to do.

This mentality of obviously waiting for the pie in the sky to fall, but firmly believes that he is stretching the long line and catching big fish.

Change yourself, starting with execution

In fact, such a mentality is impossible to get a pie, nor can it catch a fish, it can only spend time and stay away from the target.

As the Internet says, 2021 is only a few days away, and the list of books that were originally sworn to be listed has not been read.

Planning a weight loss plan to be completed is only lip service, and even motivating yourself to learn financial knowledge is just thinking.

Without execution, all that awaits you may be anxiety.


Everyone has their own talents, and they also have their own unique talents.

However, most people have not yet found out, and they are in a hurry to find a place for themselves in reality, and they want to achieve an enviable achievement.

Change yourself, starting with execution

They think that their failures are always temporary, because they can succeed if they are determined.

But a person's success really depends on execution, not bragging about themselves, let alone numbing themselves.

The harshness of reality is that if you don't execute on your goals, the goals will be lost, and time will pass with them.

When one day we are old, can't do it, regret it, it's painful, and it's too late for you to make up for it.

This kind of inaction and mediocre life is the true portrayal of many people's lives.

You know, in this world, there is no shortage of so-called perfect plans.

What we lack has always been the courage to change ourselves immediately, and the execution of doing what we say.

Entrepreneur Barniwick once said: "The success of a business is 5% in strategy and 95% in execution." ”

Change yourself, starting with execution

In the same way, the success of people is the same, achievements are made by doing, not by saying, and not by waiting.

As the saying goes, diligence can make up for clumsiness, heaven rewards diligence, the more a person has a strong execution, the faster he can reach the other side of success.


Change yourself, starting with execution.

What people are most afraid of is to be smart, because such people can easily feel that they are outstanding, and no one is as good as themselves.

Therefore, under the deception of such a sense of elegance, time will deceive you, and the heart will also deceive you, and cooperate with you in the way you like.

You gradually get used to such a state of life, and you feel that you have always been the most successful and the best person in life.

Change yourself, starting with execution

As everyone knows, the unpredictability of life lies in the fact that thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi. The speed of change of the times will make blind arrogance and people who stay in place a loud slap.

The ideal life never comes for you for no reason, just as the earth does not turn for anyone.

Lower your posture, maintain a reverence for life, and feel the fickleness of life.

Only by running can we get the pace of the years, change ourselves, and show our execution, so that we can go to the far side of the poem.

Take action, life can follow your steps, but also can truly belong to you.

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