
The 2021 I-ESPORTS Volkswagen Vote Opens: Vote for the brands you support

The 2021 I-ESPORTS Volkswagen Vote Opens: Vote for the brands you support

On December 24, the public voting stage of the 2021 I-ESPORTS Annual E-sports Brand Selection Ceremony, co-hosted by Play Plus E-sports and E-sports World, officially opened. At this stage, the public can directly participate in the selection of each award, and the authoritative jury will also conduct a second vote.

The 2021 I-ESPORTS set up a total of 26 awards in 6 categories, including popularity, business, new cultural creation, and social welfare, invited 29 senior practitioners in the industry to participate in the voting as authoritative jury guests, and upgraded the number of winning brands of each award from 1 to 3 to highlight the value of more e-sports brands and promote the construction of e-sports pan-entertainment industry ecology.

In the first round of voting & nominations from the authoritative jury, we identified the brands that were shortlisted for each award out of hundreds of brands in 26 awards in 6 categories. From today until January 5th, the public voting and the authoritative jury will continue to open the second voting stage to determine the winners of the final 26 awards.

In this round of voting, 26 awards were subdivided into two categories: popularity and industry certification. The popularity category awards are jointly voted by the public and the authoritative jury, of which the public vote accounts for 70% and the jury votes for 30%. During this period, the public can vote for the brands they support in 26 awards every day, and the individual awards receive three votes per day (no repeated selections). Industry Certification awards are only voted on by an authoritative jury. After all voting stages are completed, the final winners will be announced on January 13.

The 2021 I-ESPORTS Annual Esports Brand Selection Ceremony is looking forward to your arrival.

2021 I-ESPORTS Awards:

Popularity category

Most popular esports player of the year

The most popular commentary of the year

Most popular live streaming platform of the year

Most Popular Computer Brand of the Year

Most Popular Peripheral Brand of the Year

Most popular mobile phone brand of the year

Most Popular Clothing Brand of the Year

Most popular car brand of the year

Most Popular Food Brand of the Year

Most Popular Mixed Brand of the Year

The most commercially valuable esports event of the year

Annual Cutting-edge Esports Competition Event

The most commercially valuable esports club of the year

McN most commercially valuable of the year

The most popular esports film and television variety show of the year

Most popular esports music of the year

The most socially valuable esports club of the year

Esports Charity Award of the Year

Industry certification class

Annual business value event

Esports Marketing Brand of the Year

Esports Marketing Case of the Year

Outstanding Esports Educational Institution of the Year

Outstanding Esports Venue of the Year

Influential brand in the esports industry of the year

Outstanding Esports City of the Year

Potential Esports City of the Year

About playing plus esports

Founded in 2015, Play Plus E-sports is a comprehensive e-sports company integrating e-sports big data, media, integrated marketing and MCN business. In more than five years, the team has developed into a hundred people, is the official partner of major top events, serves dozens of brand customers every year, covers 20 million core users, and has become the most professional e-sports big data and media company, Better Esports is our mission.

About the world of esports

E-sports World is an industry media that reports on the dynamics of the e-sports industry as the core, helps enterprises and individuals who want to engage in the e-sports industry to popularize e-sports knowledge from the perspective of e-sports practitioners, and provides e-sports-related solutions for enterprises and individuals.

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