
It is difficult to hand over the 5 signs of sincerity when in love!

It is difficult to hand over the 5 signs of sincerity when in love!

Libra: Very self-protective

If the history of love is still blank Libra may be more naïve, but if there is love experience, Libra will be quite self-protective, the difference is that Libra man is hoping to keep a certain distance from the other party, he does not like to be controlled and tied up, the more the other party wants to understand him, the more he will dodge; and The Libra woman is the kind of person who is disappointed in the feelings if the relationship fails, she will be disappointed and pessimistic about the feelings, and she will insist on not wanting to be hurt again and refuse the other party's approach.

Virgo: Tough personality, very principled

Virgo girls, with a very strong personality, are a very principled person, for love they have their own set of principles, such as not liking themselves to be caught up by boys very casually, or not liking the relationship between the two developing too fast, they will put on an arrogant posture, or they want the spiritual spirit of both sides to communicate to go further, etc. They suddenly set up such an obstacle that makes the other party feel that they seem to be very wary when they are in love.

Capricorn: Likes to keep a faint distance

Capricorn people are not deliberately defensive, but their habit is to always maintain a faint distance from people, they have a gentle attitude, they are warm-hearted, but this attitude is limited to their social interaction.

Their private lives are another matter, they don't like their private lives to be exposed to others, and they will keep a considerable distance from the opposite sex until they are completely sure whether the other person is their true destiny or true destiny.

Sagittarius: It's hard to really trust people

Sagittarius looks very sunny and cheerful, but in fact, their defensiveness is very heavy, especially sagittarius men, he does not mind telling you his story in a pompous way, but he will mind that you take the initiative to inquire about his private affairs, they will think that this is a very impolite behavior. Some sagittarius men are actually very nervous, and sometimes they often doubt the intentions of all those close to him, so they can't really trust a person at all.

Gemini: It's not easy to see through

Geminis who seem to like to deal with people, in fact, they have their own views on "distance", unless your relationship reaches a certain depth, they will never be easily seen through, and what they are best at is the blindfold method of sounding east and west, and will make a bunch of things come out so that you can't tell the situation. Although they seem to be approachable, they are actually very defensive.

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