
Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro warms up the new 120W surging second charging technology

Zhongguancun online news: Today, Xiaomi officially began to warm up the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro charging power, the new 120W surging second charging technology. Equipped with two-speed mode, low temperature mode, temperature is only 37 ° C, body temperature as comfortable, speed mode, a cup of coffee time, fast full power.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro warms up the new 120W surging second charging technology

Combined with the third chip surging P1 of Xiaomi that Lei Jun warmed up in the morning, the high probability is the surging fast charge. Redmi Note 11 Pro+ is already equipped with 120W fast charging, it seems that this will be next year most Xiaomi mobile phones will be on high power, but Xiaomi Mi 12 should not be equipped with 120W.


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