
Explore traversal from the perspective of the neuronal forces of the brain

author:NEUROX Metaforce Awakening

Riding a time machine back in time or traveling to the future has always been a beautiful fantasy that human beings have never stopped.

So is this an illusion or a goal that can be pursued? Can time really be recovered or changed?

Imagine if we could go back in time, would we be able to meet or even say hello to our former "selves"?

Do these thoughts often pop out of your mind?

That's right, congratulations, it shows that your brain is still young

Explore traversal from the perspective of the neuronal forces of the brain

Space-time tunnel

This indicates that your neuronal memories and thinking are still in a relatively healthy state of functioning and firing


Take a look at a news story clip on the Internet that describes the journey of time and space, and I will briefly describe the following:

During a hot air balloon match, two people named Huck and Drek mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in a hot air balloon and were not found after many searches.

One day, more than thirty years later, during a spring hot air balloon match in South America, someone was surprised to see the hot air balloon that had been missing for more than thirty years suddenly appear in the place where it had disappeared. Isn't that incredible

The staff took Huck and Drek to the medical room, and the two could only recall the tingling sensations of the disappearance, like an electric current passing through the body, followed by severe pain. Then the surrounding sky and ocean turned crimson in an instant. A few seconds later, the colors of the sky and the ocean returned to normal, and they landed and were escorted to the medical room.

At this point in the story, do you find that in the eyes of the two people, only a few tens of seconds have passed, but for now, it has been more than thirty years. Is there a feeling of "one day in heaven, 3 years on earth" in Journey to the West.

Explore traversal from the perspective of the neuronal forces of the brain

The hot air balloon disappeared for tens of seconds, but the time passed for decades


News like this is not uncommon. As a result, many people claim that this is evidence of the existence of the space-time tunnel.

Among them, the famous physicist Stephen Hawking is the most famous.

He was fully convinced that these things were true, and the reason why everyone did not believe it was because very few people knew about the "space-time wormhole". He also gave a very simple example of this:

Explore traversal from the perspective of the neuronal forces of the brain

Space-time wormholes

1) When you drive a car on the road, forward and backward backwards exist in the first dimensional space

2) Left and right turns exist in the second dimension of space

3) Climbing and descending to higher places exist in the third dimensional dimension space

4) When you drive and when you do the above actions exist in the fourth dimension.

Thus: Front and back + left and right + up and down + time, forming a new four-dimensional spatial dimension

The time tunnel is a fast track to the existence of multidimensional space in China, which scientists call a "wormhole."

Explore traversal from the perspective of the neuronal forces of the brain

Before and after + left and right + up and down + time, forming a new four-dimensional spatial dimension

Hawking said: "Wormholes are all around us, everywhere, but so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye." Wormholes will appear in everything in the universe, including time."


Time travel is actually to discover and open these wormholes in time and space, and shuttle through them. In this way, you can go back to the past or run to the future

A recent popular foreign drama also described such a scene. In 1943, the Soviet Union, in order to defeat Germany, sent several team members to travel back in time on a time machine. Due to technical instability, they landed right in 1923 at a conference where Einstein gave a speech. The team members were very excited to see Einstein, so they ignored the warning of the inventor of the time machine and excitedly shook hands with Einstein. Suddenly, Einstein disintegrated matter, because there was a positive and negative material annihilation effect between matter from the future and matter at that time

The team members then had to return to the Soviet Union in 1945 and discover that a more powerful Japanese Empire had emerged at this time. After research, it was found that because without Einstein, there would be no theoretical basis for building an atomic bomb, so the United States would not be able to develop an atomic bomb, and it would not be able to balance Japan. So Japan defeated the United States and then attacked the Soviet Union on a massive scale...

At this point in the story, you find that there is no harm and effect of time travel, so if you shake hands with your future self, that picture must be beautiful, because it constitutes a paradox: shake hands with the future self, then the present self is annihilated. But now that your self is annihilated, how can you go back to the future and shake hands with your future self?

Explore traversal from the perspective of the neuronal forces of the brain

Einstein and e=mc2 laid the theoretical foundation for the atomic bomb

From a purely material point of view, this cannot be understood, but from the perspective of the meta-force universe of the brain nerves, it can be understood like this:

1) You yourself are aware of your future self in your own mind

2) This consciousness, through the action of neurons, is transformed into a biological electromagnetic force that exists in space, called the "meta force"

3) You can go back to the future and shake hands with yourself, and the physical matter of you and the future of your body will be annihilated as a result

4) But your meta force and your future meta force can be retained because they exist in different space-time

5) Thus, these two meta-forces are linked, either through another organism to restore to the past you (but with the consciousness and mind of the future you)

6) Or you can build a new you in the future, but have a consciousness of the past you.

7) No matter what form it is, a new you will appear, but with the dual "meta-force" of the past and the future

Explore traversal from the perspective of the neuronal forces of the brain

This may explain why many people say that Wang Mang is a crosser. Our national hero, Yu Min, may also be a crosser.

In life, do you sometimes unconsciously realize something in your mind that belongs to what you have experienced now or in the past? This may be the time and space shuttle of the yuan force

What's even more amazing is that you'll find that some people are born with a sense of sensitivity or foreknowledge about something.

We are still a long way from discovering the true space-time shuttle, but starting from the metacosm, we can try to recognize our own meta-forces, and in this way, we can also learn to make different discoveries.

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