
3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

author:Scan CamScanner

At the end of each year, the job-hopping gene in the DNA of the workplace people begins to surge wildly.

The long summary PPT, the performance appraisal of the mountain of pressure, and the dismal year-end award have all pressed the acceleration button for the job-hopping process of workplace people.

"Should I jump ship without a year-end bonus?" "How do I jump ship to get a raise?" "Is it better to jump ship naked or to ride a donkey to find a horse?"

In order to answer these questions, CamScanner conducted a questionnaire survey on job hopping among professionals, and in the end, 1240 professionals shared their job-hopping experiences.

This issue of the [Workplace Answer Research Institute] launched the "Contemporary Workplace People Job Hopping Report", using real data to interpret the truths behind the job hopping of contemporary workers.

3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

For contemporary professionals, job hopping has become a routine means of seeking career promotion.

In this survey, nearly 60% of the workplace people said that they had skipped the slot, and the remaining 40% of the workplace people who did not skip the slot said: They want to jump, but they are worried about not finding a better job.

3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

In our survey, the average post-95 job hopping was 3.1 times, and the average post-90s job hopping was 4.5 times, while the post-80s and post-70s were relatively more stable, and the average job-hopping was not more than 3 times.

For the post-90s, it is most important to have fun at work, if you are not satisfied, you can jump at any time, and changing jobs is as frequent as changing clothes.

3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

In contrast, the post-80s and post-70s are more stable, which can also be seen from the way people of different ages jump jobs:

Post-95 is more casual, usually first naked, and then slowly find;

After the 90s, they are crazy to sprinkle resumes, and when they find a new owner, they will leave their jobs;

The post-80s generation is usually more Buddhist, and only when they see the right opportunity will they jump ship.

3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

For the attitude of the first job, the post-90s generation is also very different from the predecessors.

The first job after 95 years averages 9 months;

Post-90s is 1.59 years;

After the 80s, it is 2.43 years;

After 70 rose to 6.13 years.

In the eyes of the older generation, the work ≈ nine to five + five insurance and one gold, a workstation and a cup of tea, a dry is a lifetime.

In the view of the post-90s, work and company are just a springboard.

"I'm working for my resume, not for my boss, and I've saved enough experience to jump ship."
3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

There is a saying in the workplace that "if you want your salary to rise quickly, you have to jump job and jump diligently", and 82% of the workplace people said that job hopping was because there was no "money".

In the column of reasons for job hopping, many workplace people concisely write that "there is little money and cannot be promoted";

Some people are because "work is too busy and the body collapses";

Others mentioned that "direct leadership has no ability, only throws the pot", "too many liquor bureaus", "private enterprises, no social security", and some people only leave 4 words: "It is not good!"

3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

A programmer friend shared his job hopping experience in our questionnaire.

"I have been in this company for 5 years, counting the core employees of the core department, but the salary level has always been in the lower and middle of the industry. In the past few years, I have been hopeful, waiting for the company's conscience to find out that we will be paid a raise, but I can't wait for the news for a long time, and now I really feel that I can't hold on.

Many people must have the same feeling: internal promotion and salary increases are difficult to go to the sky, and there is often a phenomenon that salaries are upside down by young people who have just come in.

Can not see the promotion channel, you can not see the future of the look, the workplace people want to pay fast, job hopping is undoubtedly the best and most helpless choice, in this workplace job hopping report, there are 61% of the workplace people said that they expect to be able to increase salary by 30% through job hopping.

3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

However, the reality is not as smooth as people in the workplace expect, and it is particularly difficult to jump ship this year.

According to our survey, 71% of the workplace people did not meet expectations for the salary increase last time, and even 13% of the professionals were forced to choose to cut their salary and jump ship.

A professional in the education and training industry told us:

"Since the company collapsed, I couldn't find a suitable job for more than 3 months, and finally I had to cut my salary by nearly 70% before I reluctantly joined a traditional company.
3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

Not only is it difficult to find a new owner, but the old owner may not be able to stay.

"Forced to jump jobs due to company closure/optimization/layoffs" has become the third leading reason for job hopping, and this phenomenon is especially common in first-tier cities.

In the cold winter, large companies no longer have "golden bell covers", and companies are secretly laying off personnel and withdrawing business lines, so many professionals are forced to join the job-hopping army.

3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

Whether it is active or forced, this year's job-hopping professionals are walking hard, and they have to compromise step by step for an offer.

Few people in the workplace take the risk of jumping jobs because they want to raise their salaries, and everyone has chosen to seek stability.

"Stable and unstable work" has become the top priority that people in the workplace care about, "can the money be given enough" For the time being, the expectation of salary increases has also been reduced, 62% of the workplace people can accept job hopping without salary increases, it does not matter if there is a salary increase, it is the most important thing to have an offer!

3 months can not find a job is the norm, 13% of people cut salary jump job, 2022 you still dare to resign?

In this questionnaire survey, many friends have written down their job-hopping experiences, but their simple words are full of anxiety and powerlessness.

@Nanjing, event planning, post-95s

Job hopping 4 times in 3 years, the longest one was done for 9 months, and the shortest one was only done for 2 days. Recently, I quit naked again, and found it difficult to find a job again, and I can't even pass the resume now.

@Jinan, full-time exam preparation, post-95

Job hopping 0 times, because I have never been to work. After graduation, I have been preparing for the exam at home full-time, and I am very anxious, but my parents are supportive and hope to go ashore this year.

@ Shanghai, Product Manager, post-85

Say good year-end bonus, the boss is gone without a word. And the pressure of the establishment of the mountain is great, want to resign and jump job do not dare, every day a wake up thinking is money, what to do later, anxiety.

@ Chengdu, e-commerce, post-95

The boss owes wages for more than 3 months, while jumping to find the next home, he is fighting with the company, everything is too difficult.

@ Shenzhen, market, post-80s

At the beginning of the year, there was a wave of layoffs, dozens of companies were interviewed and found, and the expected salary has been reduced to lower than two years ago, hoping to find it next year.

In 2019, workplace chats will ask ,"Why are you still in this company?"

In 2020, the greeting from the workplace is "Is your company still there?"

In 2021, when people meet in the workplace, it has become "Can you still stay in this company?"

After the epidemic, people in the workplace are like being placed on an infinite downward slide, everyone wants to jump, but they dare not jump, because jumping out of this pit may not be able to find the next pit.

Therefore, at this time, keeping your job may be equivalent to a "salary increase" in disguise.

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