
On Christmas Eve, you should have such a careful machine

author:TT says foreign trade

A Christmas wish for my best friend ! My dearest, Happy Christmas and new year ! From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you...

Over the verdant mountains and valleys, until the crystal blue water, flying my wishes for you...

Foreign trade sales partners are about to send e-mails to foreign friends in such a tone...

As December draws to a close and Christmas is just around the corner, Christmas is a very important part of the world for most foreign clients.

Similarly, Christmas is a great time to "pick up" customers, giving you the opportunity to urge customers who have delayed placing orders, activate those customers who have not replied, close the relationship with customers, grasp the customer's procurement plan for the next year, and so on. So before sending an email, shouldn't you know the origin of Christmas and the customs of various countries?

Nordic Region:

In Sweden, companies traditionally invite employees to a Christmas lunch (julbord or jullunch) a week before Christmas. In order to end the New Year and prevent food poisoning, Swedish newspapers will publish many related food reports, which can be said that life is quite meticulous. More harmoniously, the Swedish people will watch Disney's special on Christmas Eve, 3 p.m. on December 24.

On Christmas Eve, you should have such a careful machine

In Norway, the most popular are children, and after the reunion with their families on 25 December, there will be another big celebration after the Boxing Day, when children will go door to door in the neighborhood to receive hospitality.

Southern Europe:

In Greece, food, religious ceremonies, Christmas decorations and gift-giving are all priorities. In some areas, gifts are given by La Befana on the occasion of the Feast of Appearances, while in others they are given on Christmas or Christmas Eve. In recent years, their position has been gradually replaced by Babbo Natale, a Santa Claus-like figure. In Greece, even though trees are imported, boats are a traditional symbol of Christmas.

Central Europe:

In the Czech Republic, Christmas is celebrated mainly on December 24 or Christmas Eve, on which people give each other gifts. In addition, the Czech Christmas tradition also includes the prediction of the coming year, they will cut the apple, if the first sight of the apple core indicates good luck in the next year, if not, it means that the next year is not smooth.

On Christmas Eve, you should have such a careful machine

The girls threw their shoes over their shoulders, and if the tip pointed in the direction of the door, it was a sign that the girl would be married the following year. Another tradition is to pour a little molten lead into the water, guessing the next year's shipping pattern based on the shape of the lead formed in the water.

In Poland, Christmas Eve is the first day of a banquet, which begins when the first star appears on Christmas Eve, then everyone starts to give each other gifts, and on the second day people visit relatives and friends.

Eastern Europe:

Beginning after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Christmas Day was celebrated in Russia for a resurgence. The "Holy Supper" on Christmas Eve consists of 12 dishes, each of which is dedicated to the memory of Jesus' disciples.

Western Europe:

Germany and the Netherlands celebrate St. Nicholas Day in similar English-speaking countries on December 6. The days known in Dutch as Sinterklaasavond are much more important than Christmas, although in recent years some Dutch have also begun to celebrate Christmas Eve and Santa Claus.

North and Central America:

In the United States and Canada, the customs of Santa Claus are basically the same. The grand ice skating event at Rockefeller Center in New York with Christmas trees and skating rinks, and the Celebration of Christmas decorations in the White House in Washington, D.C., are the brightest scenes of Christmas in the United States.

On Christmas Eve, you should have such a careful machine

In Mexico, posada is the highlight of many non-religious Christmas celebrations. During the 9 days, groups of townspeople went door-to-door, symbolizing the visitors of the newborn Jesus, and people played a small game of Christmas gifts from piñata at specific times.

South America:

In South America, where Catholicism is prevalent, Christmas celebrations are imbued with religious themes. In these countries, secular customs and reciprocal gift-giving are a mixture of European and Native American traditions and are increasingly being influenced by American culture.

In Colombia, Santa Claus dresses more coolly, which may be related to the warm Christmas in South America. In Argentina, Christmas gifts are given on January 6, the local "Three Kings Day," when the children meet on their pilgrimage to Bethlehem fill their shoes under their beds with snacks and small gifts.


In Japan, Christmas is not a national holiday (but students are generally on winter break, and coincidentally, December 23, which is close to Christmas, is the national holiday of the emperor's birth day), but the public has fully embraced The Western Santa Claus to celebrate Christmas, but their New Year is a more important holiday.

On Christmas Eve, you should have such a careful machine

Belonging to the Catholic country of the Philippines, it has the longest Christmas season in the world. Traditionally, Christmas in the Philippines begins on December 16, and on Christmas Eve on December 24, there is a traditional Christmas feast prepared in advance, where family members sit together and enjoy traditional food, and during the festival, children ask their priest for gifts, and priests will happily give gifts and then wish them prosperity.

In South Korea, Singapore and Timor-Leste, Christmas is also an official holiday.

Other Southern Hemisphere regions:

In the Commonwealth countries of the Southern Hemisphere, such as Australia and New Zealand, Christmas is still celebrated on December 25, although it coincides with their summer heat, which is the exact opposite of the usual winter ice and snow image of Christmas, resulting in the strange image of Santa Claus wearing a red fur and riding a surfboard to the beach to eat an open turkey barbecue.

In the hearts of foreign friends, Christmas is a sacred holiday. After seeing so many Christmas customs, do you do foreign trade, will you be shocked, and you don't know if your customers will spend Christmas? Shouldn't I send a blessing to my client?

On Christmas Eve, you should have such a careful machine

Absolutely, but only if you make sure your customers are celebrating Christmas. In fact, Christmas is a religious festival, and the Arab countries that believe in Islam, another major religion in the world, such as: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Oman, Sudan, Somalia, Morocco, Tunisia, Qatar, Djibouti, Lebanon, Mauritania, Bahrain... More than twenty other countries are not Christmas.

So, before writing an email, you need to ask the customer less deliberately if they have this holiday. Even if the other country does not have Christmas, if the other party is willing to go to this holiday, there are specific holiday arrangements, then your Christmas wishes will not only not be superfluous, but may also be opportune.

To bring the customer closer together, there is no better topic than to talk about Christmas. By the way, write a blessing email, let the customer remember you, remember you, this is the foreign trade to follow up the customer's careful machine.

On such a beautiful day, I hope that the distance between you and customers in the foreign trade industry can be closer and closer. Do a good job of your Christmas wishes to customers, and doubling the order is the best reply for you.

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