
Once the strength of this country was able to dominate the world, after splitting, it became a pawn of other countries and could only be at the mercy of it

During the period of China's ancient feudal dynasty, it was a very powerful country in the world. Whether it is in the military, economic, cultural aspect is the leading position in the world. However, even if china was so powerful in ancient China, there was still a Western country that was not even its opponent in China, and this country was Arabia.

Once the strength of this country was able to dominate the world, after splitting, it became a pawn of other countries and could only be at the mercy of it

Arabia was a very powerful dynasty in the West, and its status was unshakable, and it was established by the Arab nation. At the height of its development, China could only get along with it on an equal footing. At its peak, the Arab States, with 14 million square hectares of land, were the largest countries in the world at the time. During the Tang Dynasty, the Central Plains Dynasty fought against it many times, but all of them failed. However, even the most powerful countries fall by time.

Once the strength of this country was able to dominate the world, after splitting, it became a pawn of other countries and could only be at the mercy of it

Just like China's feudal dynasty, during the Qing Dynasty, it was bullied by the Western powers, and the land was encroached upon and divided. However, the culture that has been in China for thousands of years has been passed down. With the continuous efforts of the Chinese people, it has developed into today's greater China. The Arab states, however, are not so lucky. Not only did it become fragmented, but it was also divided into many smaller states and became hostile powers, tit-for-tat and vying for territory. Although they were all of the same people, they eventually became enemies. Today's Arab position is mainly distributed in West Asia and North Africa, and the main ethnic groups are the Arabs.

Once the strength of this country was able to dominate the world, after splitting, it became a pawn of other countries and could only be at the mercy of it

It was only in the 7th century that Arabia began to truly dominate the world. At that time, Muhammad was the first to establish Islam. After that, the Arabian Peninsula was unified and a huge empire was established. However, after only 4 centuries, this huge empire was dismembered. After the 17th century, the stage of European domination began. Colonial rule was enforced, and in this way Arabs became colonies of other countries. It was not until the end of World War II that Arabs began to gain independence.

However, the Arabs at this time were no longer as glorious as in the past. It has gradually become a pawn at the mercy of Europe and the United States and other countries. With the fall of the Arab Empire, many people could not believe this fact and were still trying to revive it. Egyptian President Nasser, for example, is one of those who has always wanted to restore Arab glory.

Once the strength of this country was able to dominate the world, after splitting, it became a pawn of other countries and could only be at the mercy of it

When Nasser spoke his mind, both Saudi Arabia and Iraq thought he was dreaming. Although, they are all countries of the same people. However, everyone disagreed with Nasser's ideas. So Nasser had to figure it out on his own. He first allied with Syria. After that, Iraq figured it out and wanted to join. However, on the eve of the re-accession, civil unrest broke out in Iraq. The franchise was also delayed.

Once the strength of this country was able to dominate the world, after splitting, it became a pawn of other countries and could only be at the mercy of it

However, in the process of the alliance, many differences have arisen. The other allies were very disgusted by Egypt's perception of itself as the initiator of the alliance, which it felt was superior. The contradictions between the Arab League countries grew, and eventually large-scale demonstrations broke out. In desperation, Syria announced its independence from the Arab League. Later, other countries followed suit. In this way, the ephemeral Arab League countries disintegrated completely. And Nasser's dream of revival was completely shattered.

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