
He was once a close confidant of Yongzheng and contributed his strength to the conquest of the concubine, but his old age was somewhat miserable

The Qing Dynasty has had a lot of wars, but also appeared a lot of powerful emperors, including Yongzheng at that time, the process of his succession to the throne is more difficult, experienced the struggle of several brothers, and finally sat on the throne, his father before his death, in fact, lost to him a mess, can build the country little by little, and later the prosperity, is really very remarkable.

If he could succeed independently, in addition to his own ability, there were many people around him to help him, one of whom was Li Wei. This person was deeply trusted by the emperor and had a lot of rights at that time, so how much ability did Li Wei have at his peak?

He was once a close confidant of Yongzheng and contributed his strength to the conquest of the concubine, but his old age was somewhat miserable

First of all, this person's origin is still noble, the family is also considered to have a certain amount of funds, is the landlord's family, and later the family donated some money to him, bought him an official, although the official position is not large, but when he was an official, Li Wei was also seriously obedient, and there was no corruption and was reused by the emperor later.

Of course, before Yongzheng became emperor, because he knew Yongzheng, he also had a big backer, and many people wanted to seduce him, so Li Wei also knew a lot of people at that time, including Nian Qianyao, and the relationship between the two people was also good.

But because he was not greedy and honest with the official, plus he had a backer, so the road to becoming an official was quite smooth, in the process, basically no one was embarrassed whether someone gave him a gift, and later with the help of Li Wei and others, Yongzheng sat on the throne, because he was a relative, so he was promoted to the inspector of Jiangsu. As a small official, it was also very capable to be promoted to such a position, but this was not the time when he had the highest power, and then he was promoted to the governor of Zhejiang at that time.

He was once a close confidant of Yongzheng and contributed his strength to the conquest of the concubine, but his old age was somewhat miserable

At this time, Li Wei had a lot of territory under his command, and he had jurisdiction over 4 provinces at the same time, and it should be noted that even in ancient times, the area of each province was quite large. However, Yongzheng was also a fierce person at that time, after he killed Nian Qianyao, Li Wei tried to find a way to find a way back for himself, after all, the power now is also very large, although there is no mistake in being careful, but it is not good, and the emperor will kill himself one day, so he decided to tie the knot.

This person's vision is also considered to be vicious, and there were not many children in Yongzheng at that time, and it was not easy to pick out such a person, but unfortunately, unlike his father, he did not trust Li Wei much, and felt that he had the ability and did not need the help of others.

Coupled with the fact that Li Wei was a close associate of his father at that time, Hongli did not have special trust in the important ministers of the previous dynasty, so he did not take this person seriously, during the reign of Yongzheng, although he got a lot of fiefdoms, had a large mansion, and enjoyed a dashing life, but when the emperor died, everything he had was actually in vain.

He was once a close confidant of Yongzheng and contributed his strength to the conquest of the concubine, but his old age was somewhat miserable

At that time, Li Wei was very clean, so his house was basically given to him by the emperor, plus there was no greed for money, so he did not save much money, and the emperor did not attach importance to himself, he decided to resign and return to his hometown for the elderly, but he did not expect that soon after returning home, the emperor actually took back his land and residence.

I don't know if the emperor did this because he was jealous of Li Wei, or because he was afraid of his rebellion, no matter how he struggled all his life and became a close confidant of the emperor, but he did not expect that after the new emperor succeeded to the throne, he did not get anything, neither money nor a place to live, it can be said that it is really very miserable.

He was once a close confidant of Yongzheng and contributed his strength to the conquest of the concubine, but his old age was somewhat miserable

At that time, Li Wei did not think that he would encounter such a situation, he was a clean and honest official, once had supreme power, and was in charge of 4 provinces, but when he resigned and returned home to want a good pension, he was taken back by the emperor, and the emperor did not care about himself. At this time, the brothers who had fought with him were either beheaded by Yongzheng or their status in the imperial court was not high. Basically no one can help Li Wei.

In fact, in ancient times, it was really not easy to enjoy absolute rights in the imperial court, but while having a high degree, you should also think about your own retreat, if the next monarch succeeds to the throne, his situation is not good, what should he do? The people who were able to be around the emperor at that time were all powerful figures, but after the new emperor took office, most of them had no way to preserve their position, Li Wei was one of them, and there was a prosperous era during the Qing Dynasty, but it declined in the later period.

He was once a close confidant of Yongzheng and contributed his strength to the conquest of the concubine, but his old age was somewhat miserable

Qianlong also had many meritorious deeds in his life, although half of them had to benefit from his ancestors, but this person's ability was still outstanding, and he did quite well between power and ministers, and even further consolidated the imperial power. Perhaps he confiscated Li Wei's family property in order to warn these people under his command not to act arbitrarily, otherwise the fate would be as miserable as this person. At that time, Qianlong also proved through practical actions that his power was the greatest, and even the elders of several dynasties could not rebel against him.

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