
The birth check is all the way to the green light, why is there a problem with the birth of the child? It has a lot to do with these two reasons

Almost every expectant mother after pregnancy will become cautious, afraid of making a mistake for the sake of the baby in her belly. During pregnancy, pregnant mothers will also go to the hospital for obstetric examination on time, so that they can most intuitively see the situation of the child and avoid some accidents. However, the obstetric examination can not avoid the risk 100%, and some pregnant mothers obviously have a green light all the way during the obstetric examination, but they still give birth to a less healthy baby.

The birth check is all the way to the green light, why is there a problem with the birth of the child? It has a lot to do with these two reasons

Ms. Liu of Hangzhou posted on the Internet, saying that she went to a large hospital in Hangzhou to do a maternity examination during pregnancy, but after the child was born before the month, congenital heart disease was found, Ms. Liu did not understand, the obstetric examination should be done, the doctor also said that everything is normal, but why is the child still like this? Are maternity checks all a lie? If this is the case, then what is the point of a maternity check? Ms. Liu really couldn't think straight, and even had the negative idea that "no obstetric examination seems to be the same".

In fact, examples like this in life are not new, some pregnant mothers have done the obstetric examination on time during pregnancy, and they have all the green light, but the result is a deformed child. There are also pregnant mothers who are told that the fetus is abnormal during the obstetric examination, but when the child is born, it is very healthy. Could it really be that there will be a mistake in the obstetric examination? What causes the obstetric examination to be inconsistent with the final result?

The birth check is all the way to the green light, why is there a problem with the birth of the child? It has a lot to do with these two reasons

Why is there a green light all the way during the obstetric examination, but there is a problem after the birth of the child?

Most of the obstetric examinations are carried out through B ultrasound and some instruments, although the current medical instruments are very advanced, and there will be almost no errors. However, since it is a machine, it is inevitable that there will be a certain error rate, although this probability is very small, but it will also exist, so the results of the obstetric examination cannot be guaranteed to be 100% correct.

In addition, during the obstetric examination, the fetus is likely to not cooperate, such as always turning its back on the B ultrasound, or the hands and feet are always obscured by other parts of the body, resulting in the doctor can not see the full picture of the fetus. As a result, some problems are difficult to detect and do not appear until after birth.

The birth check is all the way to the green light, why is there a problem with the birth of the child? It has a lot to do with these two reasons

Although there will be a certain error in the obstetric examination, the vast majority is still accurate, and pregnant mothers must cooperate with the doctor to check on time. Then if you want to avoid accidents, it is certainly not enough to rely on obstetric examinations, the best way is to prevent problems before they occur, prevention is more important than remediation.

How to avoid abnormalities in the fetus during pregnancy

Before becoming pregnant or even married, it is best for both spouses to go to the hospital for a premarital health examination, so as to avoid many risks to the greatest extent. In recent years, some npc deputies have also been calling for premarital examinations to be as popular as possible, and if there are some family diseases or situations that are not suitable for pregnancy, they can be avoided before marriage.

The birth check is all the way to the green light, why is there a problem with the birth of the child? It has a lot to do with these two reasons

If both husband and wife have no physical problems, then start doing their homework when they are preparing to become pregnant. Both husband and wife should adjust their living conditions, eat a balanced diet, maintain exercise, quit bad habits such as tobacco and alcohol, and do not stay up late and go to bed late. Adjusting the body to its best condition ensures that the fertilized egg is stronger.

The age of pregnancy is also very critical, and it is best for women to have children before the age of 35, so that the physical function is at its best and the child can be healthier. But the age of pregnancy can not be less than 22 years old, because if the age is too young, the body has not yet developed, and it is not suitable for having children.

The birth check is all the way to the green light, why is there a problem with the birth of the child? It has a lot to do with these two reasons

It is best not to be older than 40 years old for men, because after 40 years of age, the condition of the body will decline, the quantity and quality of sperm will be much worse than before, and the possibility of deformity in children will increase.

Folic acid supplementation at least 3 months in advance, women should supplement with enough folic acid every day at least 3 months before becoming pregnant. Because if there is a lack of folic acid in the body, the likelihood of deformity in the fertilized egg increases. Folic acid is essential for fetal development and can be dangerous if it is lacking.

In the early stage of pregnancy, pay special attention, try not to catch a cold or fever, if you are unwell, you should also take the medicine carefully under the guidance of a doctor, and you must not take the medicine yourself. Because the first trimester of pregnancy is the most vulnerable period of the fetus and the most critical period of development, certain components of the drug can have an impact on the fetus.

The birth check is all the way to the green light, why is there a problem with the birth of the child? It has a lot to do with these two reasons

Stay away from radioactive sources, including X-rays, and electromagnetic radiation throughout your pregnancy. For household appliances at home, although some electromagnetic radiation will also be generated, it is not as terrible as imagined, so it can still be used normally, and there is no need to panic too much.

In short, for the health of the child, as a parent, you must understand the relevant knowledge of pregnancy and childbirth in advance, and you should start to adjust your living state before you become pregnant, so that both sides can achieve the best level of physical and mental health.

Of course, the obstetric examination during pregnancy is also very necessary, should be carried out on time, although it is not possible to detect the problem 100%, but at least there is a greater guarantee, so as to ensure that the pregnant mother and the fetus are safer.

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