
Zeng Zheng, a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology: The heart enters the inheritance of calligraphy and painting

Zeng Zheng, a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology: The heart enters the inheritance of calligraphy and painting

Zeng Zheng, a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology.

Red Network Moment Correspondent Ou Jia Dai Xinyi Xu Yi Yang Loudi reported


Zeng Zheng, born in 1984 in Huaihua, Hunan Province, graduated from the School of Art of Sichuan University with a bachelor's degree and a graduate degree in Chinese painting. He is currently a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology, and a member of Hunan Artists Association. His works "Pear Blossoms" were selected for the Tokyo International Art Exhibition, "New Green" was selected for the 2010 Chinese Colleges and Universities Artists' Works Exhibition, "Summer Memories" was selected for the First National Art Teachers' Works Exhibition, and "Dream Homeland" and "Qingxia" were selected for the first and third "Haina Baichuan, Inside and Outside the College" art documentary exhibition. He has won the Excellence Award of the 12th National Art Exhibition of Hunan Province, the Excellence Award of the 12th Hunan Provincial Ordinary College Teachers and Students Art and Design Art Exhibition, the Excellence Award of hunan Provincial Art Exhibition to Commemorate the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China, and the Excellence Award of Hunan Provincial Faculty and Staff Art Calligraphy Works Exhibition Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China. He has presided over four provincial and departmental projects, published 20 art research papers, and published one monograph. The works of the guided students have won various provincial awards for many times.

Concentrate on painting and return to Xiang development

A pair of hands, a pen, a stone of ink, flowing between pen and ink, stretching on the picture scroll. For Zeng Zheng, Chinese painting is the love of his life, and inheriting traditional culture is his pursuit.

Interest drives success. When Zeng Zheng was a child, his father taught at the township middle school, and when he was young, he often took his father's chalk and crouched in the doorway to paint. Once, he went with his mother to watch the movie "The Story of Mao Zedong", and when he returned home, his mother noticed that the portrait of Chairman Mao he had silently painted was exquisite, so she sent him to study at the Yitujing painter, which opened his fate with Chinese painting. Later, under the guidance of teachers Chen Jun and Yang Jincheng, Zeng Zheng was admitted to the School of Arts of Sichuan University.

During his graduate school years, Zeng Zheng studied under Professor Sun Lin of Sichuan University, traveled through the Bashan Shushui, enjoyed the scenery of southwest China, and created several excellent works, and his graduation work won the Excellence Award of Sichuan Provincial Art Exhibition. But he is homesick, and sanxiang's landscapes, flowers, birds, and humanistic feelings have always haunted him. Therefore, after graduation, he knocked on the door of Hunan College of Humanities and Science and Technology and began to engage in the teaching and creation of Chinese painting. As he said, "I want to paint my hometown, and I want my art to be vernacular literature, with its own local flavor." Since then, his works have won many awards in national and provincial art exhibitions. When creating the murals of the Lianyuan Municipal Procuratorate, he focused on excavating the regional characteristics of Meishan and creating murals full of local cultural feelings. At the same time, he encouraged students to gain insight into the customs and customs of their hometown, and guided him to complete the "Jinling Food Hunting", which won the bronze medal of the Fifth Youth Culture and Art Festival in Hunan Province. Returning to his hometown, sniffing the taste of his hometown, looking for the feelings of his hometown, and painting the style of his hometown, which he has been pursuing and practicing. And the inheritance is also self-evident, lighting the torch, in the same vein.

Zeng Zheng, a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology: The heart enters the inheritance of calligraphy and painting

Zeng Zheng's work "Summer Sunshine".

Zeng Zheng, a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology: The heart enters the inheritance of calligraphy and painting

Zeng Zheng's work "Qing Yu Tu".

"Technology" and "Tao" combine to inherit culture

Technique and Taoism are a pair of core relatively symbiotic concepts contained in traditional Chinese culture and art, and in his artistic creation and teaching practice, he is exploring the relationship between technology and Taoism, striving to elevate "skill" to a very high level of character, so that his works can reach the realm of "skill to the point of being close to the Tao". In terms of teaching, he mainly focuses on skills and enlightenment, supplemented by narration of history, and believes that "teaching" itself is an experience of enlightenment, a cultural continuation, and a process of historical inheritance. When analyzing Song Huizong's "Ruihe Tu", it is led by the poem "Stepping on the Flowers and Returning to the Horseshoe Incense", excavating the cultural background after the painting, conforming with history, blending with history, and painting works with soul and connotation.

A flower, a bird, a world. In terms of flower and bird painting, he strives to seek his personal artistic style and expression along the road of inheriting tradition and daring to explore, and has a unique understanding and use of brush and ink contained in the freehand spirit of Chinese painting, and gives cultural connotations. His Chinese painting works are full of feelings about life and vivid expressions of nature, and will influence students to love Chinese painting and love life. In addition to teaching students in this major, he also gave Chinese painting lessons to the school's etiquette team members to improve their artistic literacy and continue to inherit traditional Chinese culture, so many team members chose the Chinese painting public art course. Merlin bamboo chrysanthemum, flower bird insect fish... Cultivate the temperament of students.

Chinese painting has a history of more than 2,000 years and has a long history. Today, the fast-paced society presents unprecedented challenges to cultural heritage. In this era, there are abundant materials, too many choices, and too many temptations, so that students cannot calm down and really find the direction of their hearts. "Karma is good at being diligent and absurd", Zeng Zheng believes that continuous practice and diligent thinking, and establishing cultural self-confidence are the way out for students and the destination of Chinese culture. He said that "traditional", "modern" and "aesthetic" are the pursuits of today's Chinese painting. Excavating the deep historical precipitation of painting, making it conform to the aesthetics of modern people, paying attention to life and true feelings, such works can be innovated and endless. "Only the national is the world", he used the language of pen and ink to dock the students, and used the cultural spirit to carry forward the tradition. As a Chinese painting teacher, he not only taught students artistic skills, but also cultivated patriotic feelings in their hearts. Plant the seeds of "cultural self-confidence" in the hearts of students, and consciously shoulder the responsibility of inheriting Chinese culture.

Zeng Zheng, a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology: The heart enters the inheritance of calligraphy and painting

Zeng is working.

Zeng Zheng, a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology: The heart enters the inheritance of calligraphy and painting
Zeng Zheng, a teacher at the School of Fine Arts and Design of Hunan University of Humanities and Science and Technology: The heart enters the inheritance of calligraphy and painting

Zeng was teaching.

Tao Li is self-contained

Cold and summer, years and years. From teaching for more than ten years, in every word and deed, Zeng is using his professionalism, spiritual pursuit, and personality charm to imperceptibly infect students. He is not only an excellent young painter, but also a mentor and friend of the students, and the classmates love him very much. He is tireless, often guiding students after work, often admonishing students to do things in a down-to-earth manner, be serious, aspire to serve the country, and inherit Chinese culture. He cared for every class of students like a brother, and once the father of a student in the class of 2015 died, the family was in a difficult situation, and he originally wanted to drop out of school. But he was strongly discouraged, and has always insisted on helping the student free of charge, and later the student successfully graduated and became an excellent art teacher in his hometown.

Zeng Zheng said that he is just an ordinary university teacher, but he hopes that through his own words and deeds, students will love Chinese painting, love life, understand traditional Chinese culture, inherit the essence of the country, and let the aroma and spirit of Hanmo accompany them throughout their lives.

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