
Help the universalization of knowledge, pinduoduo water the seeds of reading

The book has the history, reality and future of the country, the majestic weather of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and the code of the country's forward movement. In 2021, books bring people both spiritual comfort and awareness of the world. In the promotion of reading for the whole people and caring for rural reading, enterprises are also continuing to act and continue to shine.

Extending the long-term strategy of knowledge inclusion to reading public welfare has become a bright stroke of Pinduoduo in 2021. This year, the "Reading for You" public welfare action launched by Pinduoduo continued to go to the most grass-roots mountainous areas and villages in China, donating books and reading books to children in schools in remote areas. This year, Pinduoduo twice launched the "Duoduo Reading Month", twice established a 50 million reading fund, and officially subsidized more than 2 million books through the 10 billion subsidy channel, attracting more than 10 million consumers. This year, the "Voices Creators Program" continued to pay attention to the times and creation, promote high-quality works, help writers build brand IP, and let the fragrance of books reach people's hearts by opening channels linking knowledge consumer groups...

As the participants and writers of the "Voice Creators Program" walked around, "The users touched by Pinduoduo are grounded mass circles." I want to narrate for them and be seen by them, which should be the spiritual essence of reading for all, which is a very beautiful thing. In the view of writer Zhang Mingyang, Pinduoduo builds a bridge for the new generation of "cultural sharing" and "spiritual sharing" with universal knowledge, which is conducive to protecting the long-term and healthy development of the publishing market.

Help the universalization of knowledge, pinduoduo water the seeds of reading

In July, the "Voice Creators Program" mid-summer conference was held, and writers such as Walk Away, Mai Jia, Chen Qifan, Liu Zichao, Sanger and other writers (from left to right) talked about the times and creations. Photo by Wu Zhiliang

Public welfare donations help rural reading

The countryside, not only has an idyllic time, but also a passion for reading. In the government work report of the two sessions in 2021, it is pointed out that "promoting the integrated construction of urban and rural public cultural service systems, innovating and implementing cultural projects to benefit the people, and advocating reading for the whole people" is the eighth consecutive time since 2014 that "reading for all" has been written into the government work report. Promote reading for all, and rural reading cannot be left behind. According to the data, more than 400 million people purchased books through Pinduoduo in 2020, of which book purchase orders from rural areas increased by more than 180% year-on-year. The thirst for books among rural readers is evident.

"A child repeatedly mentioned to me in class the ideal of going out of the mountains and taking a look, and his desire was so strong that he forgot to sit down when he finished speaking." Writer Zhang Mingyang recalled the scene when Jianhe County in Qiandongnan first participated in the public welfare donation of "Reading for You" in Pinduoduo, and was still very moved. This also made him deeply feel the significance of public welfare donations in rural areas. "There are growing signs that the knowledge gap between children in developed and underdeveloped regions is widening under the catalysis of the digital age, where it is necessary to emphasize the universality of knowledge." Zhang Mingyang said that knowledge inclusion needs to be promoted step by step, "'Reading for you' public welfare donation is a solid step, combined with the hot sales of Pinduoduo's affordable genuine books in remote areas, 'charity + market', culture in the countryside has great potential." ”

When I first participated in the "Reading for You" public welfare donation, the writer was also deeply shocked when he walked away. "I went to Shuanghe Primary School in Xintang Township, Enshi, Hubei Province, which is the highest altitude (up to 1500 meters) primary school in the local area, and the students usually read mainly course counseling materials, examination papers, essays, etc., and there are not many extracurricular reading materials. Local farmers are limited by family economic conditions or the level of understanding, and they do not pay enough attention to reading. When she saw the emotions between the lines of the children's essays, she felt even more that the task of advancing rural reading was long and arduous.

Since April this year, "Duoduo Reading Month" has launched the "Reading for You" public welfare donation action, and has continued to donate high-quality genuine classic books, teaching aids and teaching tools to primary and secondary schools in remote areas across the country. Up to now, Pinduoduo has continued to initiate public welfare donations in Liangshan, Hubei, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Anhui and other places in Sichuan, with a total of more than 120,000 books donated.

According to the relevant person in charge of Pinduoduo, before the Spring Festival, Pinduoduo will continue to work with well-known domestic writers to go to primary and secondary schools in remote mountainous areas such as Jiangxi and Hunan to donate books for children and read with them.

Help the universalization of knowledge, pinduoduo water the seeds of reading

On December 21, Pinduoduo's "Reading for You" public welfare donation campaign went to Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province, bringing 6,000 books and a reading class to Jianhe County No. 2 Middle School. Photo by Deng Gang

Create a reading atmosphere in the "spelling" mode

With the emergence of a large number of video products, public account articles, etc., fragmented reading occupies a lot of people's time. In addition, due to the gap in economic income in different regions, especially in remote areas, it will also reduce the enthusiasm for buying books to a certain extent. "Under the impact of the Internet, reading has become more and more a luxury." In Zhang Mingyang's view, the understanding of the long-term function of reading in today's society is still insufficient, which requires all social subjects, including e-commerce, to participate in promoting the creation of a reading atmosphere for the whole people.

Affordable, high-quality books are undoubtedly more attractive. Since April this year, Pinduoduo has twice launched the "Duoduo Reading Month", and has joined hands with more than 60 publishing houses such as the People's Literature Publishing House and the Commercial Press to officially subsidize more than 2 million books through the 10 billion subsidy channel, attracting more than 10 million consumers. According to statistics, more than one-third of people have purchased more than 5 books.

"More Reading Month" has attracted much attention, and it has also triggered a wave of reading sharing. "On the consumer side, such as Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Circle of Friends, Baidu Tieba and other platforms, there are constantly consumers posting orders. On Douban, many classic works have triggered a rush to buy, and we have contacted the publishing house to urgently reprint, and at the same time, we first tried to book the c2m model. "Pinduoduo introduction.

As a heavy participant of Pinduoduo's "Duoduo Reading Month", Ms. Lin has twice purchased dozens of books for herself and her children, "Children not only make more friends because of books, but also cultivate interest in reading." Ms. Lin's social topic changed from talking about cosmetics to sharing good books, making her feel that her life was more fulfilling.

"On the one hand, Pinduoduo will increase the official subsidy for books through market means, and on the other hand, promote the public welfare donation of books in remote areas, and take a two-pronged approach, without harming the interests of publishers, it will have a substantial promotion of reading and knowledge inclusion for all." Zhang Mingyang said. Industry analysts believe that reading has a very strong social nature. As a new economic platform with 870 million annual active users, the genes of Pinduoduo's social e-commerce also bring advantages to its promotion of reading for all.

Open the link knowledge consumer group channel

In the massive pool of literary works, finding channels to help authors open up links to knowledge consumer groups and deliver high-quality works has become a problem that Pinduoduo constantly thinks about.

In April this year, Pinduoduo launched the "Voice Creators Program", which was initiated by "Duoduo Reading Month" and well-known writers. Up to now, dozens of writers such as Mao Dun Literature Prize winner Mai Jia and Yu Xiuhua, Zhou Guoping, Liu Zichao have joined in.

Walk Away and Zhang Mingyang are also participants in the program. Talking about the original intention of participation, he walked around and said, "The users touched by Pinduoduo are real and simple groups in this land, and they are the public circles in the true sense of grounding. I want to narrate for them and be seen by them, which should be the spiritual essence of reading for all, which is a very beautiful thing. ”

"For a writer, the Voices Creators Project allows the work to reach more readers." Zhang Mingyang said that the "More Reading Month" uses official subsidies to help universal knowledge, and can not harm the interests of publishers and protect the long-term and healthy development of the publishing market.

The "Voice Creators Program" is one of the practices of Pinduoduo as a new e-commerce platform in the direction of knowledge inclusion. Recently, the "Voice Creators Plan" announced iteration, in the future, in addition to continuing to pay attention to the humanistic themes of the times and creations, it will focus more on the construction of social welfare responsibilities.

Continuous innovation promotes knowledge inclusion

In recent years, China has been promoting the "reading for all" activity, encouraging everyone to read more books, read good books, enhance personal insights, improve personal vision, and then enhance the spiritual quality of the whole country. "There are many ways to express the national spirit, but I think in the final analysis, it is in the classics that have been passed down from generation to generation." Zhang Mingyang said, "We can touch and experience the spiritual world of our ancestors anytime and anywhere by reading the classics. ”

"Promoting reading for the whole people requires the cooperation of the government and all sectors of society to form some linkage mechanisms." Walk Around believes that enterprises should give full play to their own advantages in this process to practice social responsibility. It is reported that in the in-depth promotion of reading for the whole people, Pinduoduo jointly established the "Affordable Genuine Public Welfare Alliance". At the same time, it signed agreements on intellectual property protection and other institutions with the Beijing Fifteenth Society Anti-Piracy Alliance, jointly promoted the fight against infringing pirated books, and jointly launched the "Genuine Guarantee Insurance" with Chinese Minmin Property Insurance Co., Ltd. to provide consumers with a more reassuring knowledge consumption experience.

Pinduoduo's public welfare action to promote reading for all people continues to innovate, just on December 22, "Duoduo Reading Month" announced the launch of the year-end reading week, online more than 300 good books of 2021, the bibliography was jointly recommended by the Shanghai Book Fair Steering Committee Office and 65 authoritative publishing houses and book publishing companies in China.

The person in charge of "Duoduo Reading Month" said that in the next step, the platform will continue to increase subsidies for genuine good books, bring more high-quality and affordable genuine good books to consumers, and provide diversified support for high-quality creators to introduce measures to jointly help narrow the gap between urban and rural reading.

Text/Qin Shengnan

Edited by Wang Lin Proofread by Jia Ning

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