
Looking for Sun Huazhen, born in 1988 and missing in 2010, Changle Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

author:Baby comes home

Looking for Sun Huazhen, who was born in 1988 and disappeared in 2010, Changle Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 455459

Gender: Female

Date of birth: 1988-10-26

Missing time: 2010-09-29

Description: Height 176cm, face shape melon face, a head spin, smaller eyes single eyelids, nose is a little collapsed, lips are thinner, mouth is smaller, hair is thicker, both ears have done scarring tumors, there is a small mole on the inside of the left elbow.

Suspected destination: Shanghai, Jiangsu Province

Missing history: (Sun Huazhen's mother) After her daughter finished secondary school in Shanghai, she found a job in Shanghai, and in 2010, her family took her daughter back to Nanjing to work. Worked in a large clothing market. Because of family trivia between the daughter and the parents a little unhappy, before the National Day in 2010 contacted the daughter said overtime did not go home, a month later to contact and found that the daughter's mobile phone has been stopped, and then the family went to the daughter's work place to look for, found that the owner of the store has also changed, the family looked around unsuccessfully, and then called the police to now more than ten years, did not wait for the daughter to contact the family. Now I turn to the powerful Baby Home website platform, hoping that the well-meaning volunteers can help the family find their daughter and round the family's pain of missing their daughter.

Baby Home Volunteers' Only QQ Reception Group: 1840533

Baby Home Looking For Subnets Advisory Mailbox: [email protected]

Baby Home Volunteer Association Baby Home FindErnet

Public welfare website Baby Home Volunteers provide free services for family seekers focus on helping missing children under the age of 16

This family search service cooperates with "Today's Headlines Charity Search"

Looking for Sun Huazhen, born in 1988 and missing in 2010, Changle Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province