
The octogenarian was rescued in Chengdu, claiming to be He Huazhen, a native of Xichong County, Nanchong

author:Headlines looking for people

Name: He Huazhen

Number: 102218081

Gender: Female

Age: About 80 years old

Feature description: The officer came to the station for help at 21:10 on March 29, 2017. Wearing a blue jacket on the upper body and blue sweatpants on the lower body, carrying a small pink bag with gray hair, he claimed to be a native of Tongde Commune, Xichong County, Nanchong City, and the rest of the information is unknown.

Inbound time: 2017-03-29 21:10:59.0

Household registration place: Self-proclaimed to be a native of Xichong County, Nanchong City

Auxiliary station unit: Chengdu City Rescue Station

Aid station telephone: 028-84713608

Because it is difficult for the recipients to explain the specific situation of the family, the rescue station has no results in finding their families for them, and hopes that the insiders will contact the rescue station as soon as possible to help them return home as soon as possible!

More information on family search:

The octogenarian was rescued in Chengdu, claiming to be He Huazhen, a native of Xichong County, Nanchong

Toutiao Tracing is a free public welfare project for the whole country, dedicated to helping all kinds of families find the lost, its principle is to find information in the pop-up window near the missing place of the lost, with the help of 700 million huge users of Toutiao, greatly improving the probability of possible witnesses helping to find people. Past successful cases have confirmed that the precise geographical pop-up window of the headline search has a high success rate for people with poor mobility such as the elderly and mental disorders who have lost in a short period of time.

Search Email: [email protected]

The octogenarian was rescued in Chengdu, claiming to be He Huazhen, a native of Xichong County, Nanchong