
That's why I practice calligraphy

First, calligraphy can make people float and dry

Impetuousness does not make it to practice calligraphy. Calligraphy makes people calm down, lay down their bodies, can absorb people's buoyancy, dryness, and roughness, and make people become elegant, calm and calm.

That's why I practice calligraphy

Second, calligraphy can make people know beauty and seek goodness

Calligraphy is art, and art is a manifestation of beauty. The font rules are everywhere reflected, refracted, and exuded beauty and goodness. Learning and creating is the understanding and application of the laws of beauty and goodness.

That's why I practice calligraphy

Third, calligraphy can make people have poetry books in their hearts

The ancients praised calligraphy as "all have superhuman talents, erudite leisure, and wandering hands". Calligraphy is inseparable from poetry and sentences, and calligraphers must learn a lot of knowledge, so that they have formed a good temperament, and they have poetry and bookish self-glorification.

That's why I practice calligraphy

Fourth, calligraphy can make the human body understand life

People often say that "words are the crown of man", "morality is not high, and ink cannot be dropped". Writing calligraphy is to write oneself, and only when thoughts, tastes, sentiments, and realms are improved can the level of calligraphy be improved. Calligraphy is the embodiment of technique and personal character. If you want to write a good calligraphy, you must first improve your personal awareness of life and dealing with the world.

That's why I practice calligraphy

Fifth, calligraphy can make people spiritually attached

Calligraphy is broad and profound, and the learning is endless. If you love calligraphy, it's about pursuing it, immersing yourself in it, and having fun in it. There are many disturbances in the world, and retreating to the burrow into unity is a higher pursuit, and it is also a spiritual paradise. If you encounter any troubles, you can also write calligraphy to relax yourself and forget the troubles.

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