
In less than 48 hours, Intel, which boycotted Xinjiang products, apologized, and there were 3 major reasons behind the recognition of China

Chinese people do not welcome enterprises that do not have basic respect for China, and will make any enterprise with bad words and deeds pay a corresponding price. According to the news of the Observer Network on December 23, less than 48 hours, Intel announced a formal apology for boycotting China's Xinjiang products.

It is reported that on December 21, Intel, in its notice to suppliers, claimed in English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, and Japanese that it refused to accept products from China's Xinjiang region in the supply chain. Intel's act is a boost to a series of Xinjiang-related lies concocted by the anti-China forces in the United States, where China's Great American Xinjiang, which has entered the Chinese market since 1985, claims to have more than 10,000 employees in China, and it is impossible not to be unaware of this. It still follows the United States in launching a so-called boycott of goods in China's Xinjiang region, which is a fool's Chinese sentiment.

In less than 48 hours, Intel, which boycotted Xinjiang products, apologized, and there were 3 major reasons behind the recognition of China

After eating Chinese rice and smashing Chinese pots was exposed, Intel issued an apology letter, but the apology content in the letter had nothing to do with sincerity. Intel said that it is willing to show respect for the Chinese market, Intel issued a relevant statement to comply with U.S. laws, the relevant expressions only have grammatical textual significance, does not represent Intel's true position, and is not intended to amplify views. Intel's "apology" is quite rogue, which is like saying after scolding people, and the scolding words are just empty words, just to make the meaning more comprehensive.

Intel's apology statement was full of perfunctory and serious nonsense. It is understood that the United States, which is full of absurdities on the China issue, recently passed amendments on December 14 and December 16 respectively, requiring US companies to stop purchasing goods from China's Xinjiang region on trumped-up charges. Intel, which has been active on anti-China issues, seems to be showing loyalty by openly supporting american lies. Intel is also one of the few companies that the U.S. government has actively responded to in interfering with the Discussions on the Beijing Winter Olympics.

In less than 48 hours, Intel, which boycotted Xinjiang products, apologized, and there were 3 major reasons behind the recognition of China

However, after its bad behavior was exposed, Intel quickly apologized in just 48 hours, and there were three main reasons behind its apology. The first reason is that facts speak louder than lies. Founded in 1967, in China's annual revenue of up to 129.1 billion yuan, the market business throughout China Intel, it is impossible not to know the real situation in Xinjiang, China, in the Internet is highly developed at the moment, Intel's lies have no foothold in China.

By controlling major social media, the United States shields Chinese information from Western media networks, and keeps its lies alive by blocking the truth and banning informed accounts in large numbers. In China, the lies of the US government and Intel can only expose their shamelessness and ridiculousness in the face of the real Xinjiang region. Intel cannot afford the prospect that its 129.1 billion yuan in revenue in the Chinese market will inevitably suffer, and the sooner it apologizes, the more it will reduce the loss.

In less than 48 hours, Intel, which boycotted Xinjiang products, apologized, and there were 3 major reasons behind the recognition of China

The second reason is that Wang Junkai Brokerage Company, which has cooperated with Intel, resolutely broke off cooperation with Intel the day after the incident, and pointed out in the statement that Intel did not give a clear reply after repeated communication, and the national interest is above all else! The performance of Wang Junkai's team highlights the common voice of the Chinese people, China's core interests cannot be infringed, the real China cannot be framed, and Intel, which has committed public anger, needs to give the public an account.

The third reason is that some foreign companies, including Intel, seem to be accustomed to the drama of making mistakes and then apologizing, and establishing a "dare to admit" personality for themselves, which is also a common drama in western countries such as the United States. However, as Chinese people see more and more the true face of the United States and other countries, Intel's calculation has obviously been miscalculated. China's public opinion environment is becoming clearer and clearer, and Intel and other related companies can put an end to their attempts to pass the customs clearance. Intel's apology is sloppy and perfunctory, and this lack of "sincerity", Chinese consumers will vote with their feet, so that Intel will use market share to make up for it.

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