
After the change of Tumu Fort, how did the Wala people treat the captured Ming Yingzong?

The attitude of the Wallachians towards Emperor Ming Yingzong was a world away from that of the Jin people towards the Second Emperor Qin and Hui of the Song Dynasty.

After the change of Tumu Fort, how did the Wala people treat the captured Ming Yingzong?

During the Jingkang Rebellion in the Northern Song Dynasty in 1126 AD, the Jin people broke through the Song Dynasty's Kaifeng City and captured the two emperors Of Song Qinzong and Song Weizong, as well as a cadre of civil and military ministers and powerful scholars, totaling more than 3,000 people, plus a total of 100,000 civilians in Hebei. After the Jin captured some of the Song people, their attitude toward them was "casual insults".

For example, in two dynasties, the naked upper body of the empress entered the "sheep sacrifice ceremony", the princess and noble daughter were sent to the "laundry huan", and after arriving at the capital of the Golden Kingdom, in order to digest this huge group of captives, these daughters of the jinshi and the rich were sold into brothels, while the commoners bought more distant Goryeo and Japanese slaves.

On the other hand, Vala's attitude towards Ming Yingzong was biased towards "exploitation". The trump card in his hand was used to extort money, grain and materials from the Ming Dynasty, followed by the opening of the Ming Dynasty's cities.

The experience of Ming Yingzong's capture is recorded in the "Yingzong Benji": sub-civil engineering, siege, shilan, hundreds of thousands of dead... Emperor Bei Hunting. Xin Wei, Emperor to Wei Ning Haizi. Koji, to the Black River.

In the fourteenth year of orthodoxy (1449), Emperor Mingyingzong personally marched, but in the place of "Tumu Fort", he was captured by the Taishi of Wa La, and hundreds of thousands of troops were completely destroyed.

After Yingzong was captured, he wore fur coats and drank goat's milk, which was actually not abused, and the food in the army at that time in Mongolia was actually like this.

After the change of Tumu Fort, how did the Wala people treat the captured Ming Yingzong?

Within a year, Ming Yingzong was taken to Haizi, Weining, in what is now the Chahar region of Inner Mongolia, and Heihe was in the northwest of present-day Heilongjiang Province.

However, after consulting with Empress Dowager Hu, the Ming dynasty Chinese officials unanimously decided to abandon Emperor Ming Yingzong and make Emperor Ming's younger brother Zhu Qiyu emperor, leaving Master Wa lai to be stillborn.

This is actually related to the Ming Dynasty's national policy of "the son of heaven guards the door of the country, and the king guards the society", and this practice of the Ming Dynasty is actually more in line with the interests of the country.

After the Ming Dynasty established a new emperor, Ming Yingzong also lost its value, so he also wanted to put Ming Yingzong back and let Ming Yingzong come back to compete with his brother for the throne, causing a split in the court.

The Ming Chronicles 58 says: In August, the Emperor hunted in the north and died for one year. He also saw that China was not provocative, and he wanted peace, and the messengers came frequently, please return to the emperor.

At that time, Emperor Jingtai was not happy, and he said to Qian, "Shuo originally did not want to be this emperor, but you people pushed me out." Yu Qian then said to Emperor Jingtai, "Don't be afraid, the Destiny of Heaven has been determined." Emperor Jingtai agreed to return to Emperor Yingzong.

The deepest reason for the different treatment of Ming Yingzong and the Second Emperor Qinhui of the Song Dynasty was that after the Kaifeng of the Song Dynasty was broken, the upper ruling class of the Song Dynasty had been swept away, and the ruling structure of the Song Dynasty had collapsed, so the Jin people certainly did not care about the personal honor and disgrace of the two emperors.

After the change of Tumu Fort, how did the Wala people treat the captured Ming Yingzong?

The reason why Zhao Zhuo was called "Emperor Gaozong" was because he re-established the imperial court structure.

The Ming Dynasty is different, the Ming Dynasty is not scattered in structure, after the establishment of a new emperor, it is still a big country with a radius of thousands of miles, which is the so-called "China without provocation", so Ming Yingzong became extremely valuable, and thus escaped with his life.

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