
[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

There are too many slots on the field this week! So the base bone this issue is also a super double, to the death of the slut! Still the same, just for entertainment! If there is an offense, it is purely unintentional, and the dog's head saves its life!

OK Let's 贱!

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

From top left: Arrow Field, Arrow Field West, Arrow Casino, Arrow Training Ground

(The Chiefs played the American United West Side opponent with ease)

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

When Travis Kelsey meets the Lightning defenders

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

When Mahomes hit 4 gears in front of the end zone

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Patriots fans in the first half: Hey! You're going to play some balls in the sun!"

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

(When you realize you can't just pass the ball 3 times per game)

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

No wonder the Patriots lost, it turns out they have internal ghosts!

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

John Hubble: Remember how I scored 2 points to convert and lose?

Want to see it again?

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Brady played Saints in the regular season vs Brady playoffs playoffs against Saints

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Brady's Lifelong Enemy:

Manning Jr., Fowles, the Saints of the regular season

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Bliss: People laugh at me for being crazy, and I laugh at people who can't see through it.

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Dragon Brother faces the Saints: 0 Touchdown + 2 Interceptions + Fiasco

The old man faces the saints: 3 copies + zero seals + double kills

Taylor faces saints: 0 interceptions + 0 losses

Conclusion: Taylor should take the MVP

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Pictured: When Brady didn't have the NFL's best outreach group

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

When your heartwarming female guest replied to you: You are really a good friend

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

OBJ dropped the tablet on the sidelines, which is called the drama & locker room cancer

Brady wrestles a tablet on the sidelines, which is called never accepting defeat

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Than scissor hand: foul + fine of $10,500

Wave goodbye: a fine of $10,300

Staring at each other's bench: foul + fine of $6,000

Swear at the opposing coach: It's all right

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Look at what it's like when the Bears quarterbacks have wronged their kids

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

Whenever the referee saw the Bears successfully defending the Vikings' offense

[NFL Base Bones] Brady's lifelong enemies!

As soon as the Bears entered the red zone

So, what exactly is the act of throwing a tablet?

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