
Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

Recently, Feng Gong sent a video of himself and his apprentice making dumplings on the social platform, in which the funny dialogue between Feng Gong and the apprentice triggered heated discussion among netizens.

In the video, Feng Gong stands in the C position, he is wearing a big red vest, the whole person looks joyful, and his two apprentices stand on either side of Feng Gong, seriously learning how to make dumplings.

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

Feng Gong held a rolling pin in one hand and spread out the dough in the other, carefully preparing to start rolling the dough. After a while, Feng Gong had already rolled out several dough skins, and his movements were fast and skillful, which could be said to be very professional. The apprentice dressed in white picked up the freshly rolled dough and faced the camera silly, he chatted with Feng Gong in addition to making dumplings, and wanted to make him happy.

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

The apprentice in white clothes pinched the dumpling skin, looked at Feng Gong with a smile and asked him, "What about me making dumplings for my mother?" Feng Gong stopped the movement of his hand, raised his head to glance at him and smiled: "Mother called you Dabaozi", even the other apprentice next to him was amused by the conversation between the two people.

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

At the end, Feng Gong and the apprentices face the camera with a smile on their faces, sending the audience the blessings of the winter solstice.

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

Netizens were infected by the friendly interaction between Feng Gong and his apprentices, some praised the master-apprentice atmosphere: "so warm", some felt that the apprentice had humor cells is Feng Gong's good teaching: "famous teachers out of high apprentices", and some felt that Feng Gong's rolling skin was too funny.

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

The winter solstice is one of the important festivals in China, and eating dumplings is also a traditional custom that has been handed down. Not only Feng Gong, but also many celebrities have also posted videos of themselves eating dumplings. Li Xiaoran was very ceremonial when eating dumplings, only to see her wearing a warm sweater cardigan, dressed neatly, sitting behind the table. She prepared the coffee, vinegar and candles before she began to pick up the dumplings and eat them.

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

Guan Zhilin handed the dumplings to his assistant to eat, and watched her eat on the sofa next to her, I don't know if I didn't eat it in order to keep in shape?

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

There are also celebrities who bring their children to make dumplings and cook dumplings together. Our cute little sweet sweets started cooking dumplings right on the stove. I saw that on the stove next to the cooking pot, there was a cutting board, which should be the place where the dumplings were placed, and the countertop was a little messy. Sweet Sweet picks up the dumplings little by little and adds the ingredients.

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

Although our "Sweet Xin Brand" dumplings are not very well formed, the material in the middle is still very rich. I don't know if it has aroused everyone's appetite?

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

Wang Junkai also posted a photo of himself eating dumplings. I saw that he was wearing a brown suit, which should be in the gap between work, and put on a plate of dumplings, and the appearance was also very Sven.

Feng Gong and his apprentice made dumplings for the festival! The hands are full of flour and are not afraid of getting dirty, and the rolling of the dough is skillful

As soon as the winter solstice arrives, it will be less than 10 days before next year. I don't know if you have eaten hot dumplings? What goals have been achieved this year, and what regrets do you have?

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