
Winter solstice words health: middle-aged and elderly people do a good job of 5 "attention", healthy and safe winter

Today's winter solstice, let's talk to you about the health precautions of the winter solstice.

The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, the longest night day, but also the yin qi is extremely weak, the yang qi begins to sprout, and this season, is also the coldest weather "number nine cold days", in such a cold day, how to reasonably and correctly maintain their physical health, do a good job of health?

Winter solstice words health: middle-aged and elderly people do a good job of 5 "attention", healthy and safe winter

Winter solstice health tips 1: cold protection and warmth should be paid attention to

Winter weather is cold, will consume a lot of energy of the human body, and then affect the body's immunity, is the high incidence of influenza and other infectious diseases season, and for some of the elderly who have a high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, winter is also a high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, therefore, after the winter solstice, the beginning of the number nine this time, pay attention to cold and warm is very important.

Winter solstice words health: middle-aged and elderly people do a good job of 5 "attention", healthy and safe winter

Whether it is at home or out, you should keep yourself as warm as possible, especially elderly friends, pay more attention to reasonable warmth, avoid excessive cold stimulation and bring about disease risks, according to the forecast of the meteorological department, this year there is a greater probability of extremely cold weather, therefore, in the time after the winter solstice this year, more attention should be paid to the combination of the situation, reasonable increase in clothing, do a good job of keeping warm.

Of course, the warmth should also be moderate, if you wear too thick and too much, even to the extent of "covering sweating", it will affect the yang of the body, which is completely unnecessary.

Winter Solstice Health Tips 2: Dietary conditioning should be paid attention to

Winter solstice season, is a good time for supplementation, from the aspect of health, "warm kidney spleen" should be the main direction of the winter solstice supplement, kidney is the innate basis, and the spleen is the basis of the day after tomorrow, both in the winter pay more attention to maintenance, to ensure the health of the coming year, has a very important role.

Winter solstice words health: middle-aged and elderly people do a good job of 5 "attention", healthy and safe winter

For this point, Professor Yan Minchuan of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine pointed out that in the period from the winter solstice to Xiaohan, you can eat more lamb, mushrooms, fungus, soy products and other ingredients in moderation, and the radish stewed lamb that we often eat in winter is a good supplement recipe. During the winter solstice, moderate warm supplementation helps to straighten out the foundation, cultivate yuan qi, and nurture vitality in hiding, which is conducive to the rise of yang qi in the body.

It still needs to be noted that although the winter solstice is a good season for supplementation, it is still not advisable to over-nourish, overeating, some warm and supplemental meat and other foods to eat too much, may bring indigestion, the adverse effects of wet and sputum, winter solstice supplementation, or should be supplemented with high-quality protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, but also pay attention to control the excessive intake of lipids, sugars, salt.

Winter Solstice Health Tips 3: Exercise exercise should be paid attention to

Many friends like exercise, the number of nine cold days is also uninterrupted, this is a good health habits, for the protection of body health, enhance the body's immunity, comprehensively reduce cardiovascular risk, have a comprehensive benefit. However, after entering the winter solstice, how to exercise reasonably is also exquisite.

Winter weather is cold, short days and long nights, some middle-aged and elderly friends like to get up in the early morning, the day is not yet light on the morning exercise, in fact, such a practice, not only because of the light problem is not conducive to safety, but also does not meet the principle of health and wellness. Winter exercise should also conform to the day, try to exercise in the sun, both to avoid excessive cold stimulation, the sun's ultraviolet rays can supplement the body with vitamin D, better protect bone and cardiovascular health.

Winter solstice words health: middle-aged and elderly people do a good job of 5 "attention", healthy and safe winter

In terms of exercise intensity, in the cold winter, is suitable for the stage of storage, it is not recommended that middle-aged and elderly friends carry out too intense exercise exercise, generally reach the intensity of slightly shortness of breath, slight sweating of the body, moderate exercise is good, if the exercise to sweating, not only easy to suffer from cold, but also damage the body's yang, and then affect health.

Winter Solstice Health Tips 4: Sleep and living should be paid attention to

Winter is coming, health should pay more attention to good sleep, winter solstice health to conform to the day, winter night time is long, then the time to go to bed may wish to go to bed a little earlier, get up time can try to maintain until dawn, of course, not everyone can sleep for so long, middle-aged and elderly friends can each maintain more than 7 hours of good sleep, is beneficial to health adequate sleep.

Winter solstice words health: middle-aged and elderly people do a good job of 5 "attention", healthy and safe winter

Many friends like to stay up late, in the winter, should not stay up too much, now the social temptation is too much, games, mobile phones, videos, network information browsing, television, etc., will be attractive, making it difficult to fall asleep, but if because of these things lead to sleeping too late, and lack of sleep, the body can not be restored in time, it will increase the risk of health problems.

Some middle-aged and elderly friends have insomnia problems, may wish to do more conditioning in the period before and after the winter solstice, develop good habits of regular sleep, minimize the stimulation of drinking coffee and tea before going to bed, affect the possibility of sleep, pay attention to do not look at the bright screens such as mobile phones and computers before going to bed, and try to maintain a short time during the day (not more than 20 minutes), etc., which will help improve the quality of sleep.

When getting up in winter, it is not advisable to get up quickly after waking up, especially friends with high blood pressure or other cardiovascular disease problems, after waking up, you may wish to lie down in bed for a while, feel calm, and then slowly get up, drink a cup of warm boiled water after getting up, and replenish the water lost by the body at night, which helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.

Winter Solstice Health Tips 5: Psychological regulation should be paid attention to

The old saying goes: "Idyllic nothingness, true qi from it, spiritual guarding, illness and security from before?" "The health of the winter solstice should pay more attention to the inner guard of the spirit."

Winter solstice health should pay attention to storage, not only to avoid strenuous exercise, in terms of psychological regulation should also pay more attention, "nourishing the heart" is also an important aspect of winter solstice health, at this time should pay more attention to mental calm, pure heart, do not because the desire is not satisfied and anxiety and depression, and some of these negative emotions, but will affect our physical health.

Winter solstice words health: middle-aged and elderly people do a good job of 5 "attention", healthy and safe winter

In addition to paying attention to avoid the influence of anxiety, depression and other bad emotions, winter solstice health should also pay attention to avoid the impact of severe emotions, such as sudden anger, sadness, panic and other emotions, may also induce some related acute disease problems, or affect physical health, in the winter cold season, more attention should be paid to calm, keep the mood gentle, neither too restrained, nor overindulgeful.

All in all, the arrival of the winter solstice indicates that the winter has entered the coldest stage, and in this cold winter season, it is also the time when the yang qi rises and gives birth to vitality, if we can actively do a good job in life and reasonably combine the seasons to do a good job of health conditioning, not only help to reduce the risk of high-incidence diseases in winter, but also get more benefits for future health, don't hesitate, act quickly.

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