
What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

If the most profound historical events in the human world occurred in the 20th century, then the Second World War is definitely one of them. This war has brought deep suffering to people all over the world that it is unbearable to look back on. World War II was a war of anti-fascist aggression by the peoples of the world, in which the main ones who launched the aggression were the fascist Axis, that is, Germany, Japan and Italy, of which Italy's combat effectiveness was not strong, mainly Japan and Germany. Germany invaded Europe, and for a time most of Europe fell into the hands of the highly mechanized Germans until the Germans were severely hit on the Soviet-German battlefield.

What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

Nazi Germany brought not only the suffering of war to Europe, but also countless jaw-dropping crimes against humanity, of which the genocide policy was one of the nazi crimes, and many peoples on the European continent were slaughtered by the Nazis, of which the Jews suffered the most. Why, then, did Hitler pursue a policy of "genocide" against the Jews? What kind of people is the Jewish nation?

What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

The Jews are one of the oldest peoples in the world, and Jewish myths, legends and religions have evolved into many widely spread religions. This nation originated in West Asia, one of the cradles of human civilization, and has been persecuted many times in history, forced to migrate many times, as can be seen from a series of stories such as the Bible's Exodus.

What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

Hitler began to purge and persecute Jews at the beginning of the war of aggression, the most heinous of which was the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, where countless people were imprisoned, abused and killed, most of whom were Jews.

What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

During World War II, Nazi Germany brutally killed 6 million Jews in Europe, of which 1 million were children, and one-third of the world's Jews were killed in this Holocaust, which is an unimaginable disaster for any people in the world.

What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

The persecution of the Jewish people over the millennia has been often due to religion, and the Period of World War II was no exception. Although Judaism is the prototype of western religions such as Christianity and Islam, in the long run, Judaism and these religions have become estranged, and Hitler seized on the pretext of religion to massacre the Jewish people.

What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

The second reason is that the Jews are a very good learner, and the wisdom brought by books makes the Jews particularly good at business, which also makes Nazi Germany want to obtain the wealth of the Jews by persecuting the Jews, so it constantly kills the Jews, pockets a large amount of the wealth held by the Jews in Europe, and supports its own wars of aggression.

What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

As the saying goes, many acts of injustice will kill themselves, Hitler and the Nazi Party's act of exterminating humanity has also been resisted by the people of the world, including Jews, and the world anti-fascist front has also won the final victory, and Hitler, the culprit of persecution of the Jews, committed suicide in fear of sin. Nevertheless, the suffering of the Jewish people is sad.

What kind of people were the Jews, and why did Hitler want to "exterminate" the Jews?

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