
"She used to be very beautiful and big sister": the homeless woman did not say a word, holding a doll and sleeping on the street corner

Beethoven once said that suffering is the teacher of life, through suffering, to joy.

"She used to be very beautiful and big sister": the homeless woman did not say a word, holding a doll and sleeping on the street corner

But in Dongguan, there is a woman wandering the streets, curled up in the door of an abandoned old shop every day to sleep, holding a doll in her hand, without saying a word, and her eyes are empty.

The wandering woman wears ring jewelry on her hands, is fashionably dressed, has short hair, dark skin, and is somewhat thin. Although the wandering girl could only live on the handouts of others now, there was not a trace of weakness in her eyes.

People in the neighborhood are curious about the wandering woman, and it is not clear why she suddenly came here to wander, what has she experienced in the past?

Subsequently, an insider told the truth, it turned out that the wandering girl in front of her was not simple, she used to be a big sister and very beautiful. In addition, insiders also revealed the reason why homeless women have fallen to this point.

After learning the specific situation, he was full of more curiosity about the wandering woman, and also made the wandering woman have more mysterious colors.

1, the woman wandered in Dongguan, fashionable but curled up on the side of the street

The appearance of the homeless woman in the local area immediately attracted the attention of many people, because she did not look like a person who had fallen into the streets. Because the woman is dressed fashionably, wearing striped suspenders, white pants, if she has been wandering, she should not have such a dress. So locals speculate that something sudden happened to the wandering girl that would have brought her to this point.

"She used to be very beautiful and big sister": the homeless woman did not say a word, holding a doll and sleeping on the street corner

However, the stray woman did not say a word, usually no matter who took the initiative to approach her, she was regarded as invisible, and the only situation that could make the stray woman speak was that when the stray woman took the initiative to ask passers-by for a cigarette. At this time, the homeless woman will say "thank you" to the stranger, and in addition, the homeless woman will not say a word.

The homeless woman's house is actually a concrete floor, and at night, the homeless woman will sleep on the floor, and next to the place where she sleeps is an abandoned shop, where she simply lays some cushions on the ground. During the day, the wandering woman will stop and go nearby, although the clothes she wears are neat, but her whole demeanor and temperament are very conspicuous, so that people will notice her "difference" at once.

Although many people are full of curiosity about homeless women, no one dares to ask anything more, because homeless women do not speak, and she always has a feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

The homeless woman usually stares at the crowds and vehicles when she is fine, and her eyes are a little wandering, and it is very empty, and no one knows what she is thinking or what she has experienced in the past.

2. Insiders revealed the true situation of the homeless woman, who used to be the big sister of the night scene

Later, an insider revealed the true situation of the homeless woman, according to the insider, she is only in her forties this year, don't look at her now wandering the streets, in fact, in the past her life was very beautiful.

"She used to be very beautiful and big sister": the homeless woman did not say a word, holding a doll and sleeping on the street corner

Insiders said that the homeless woman once worked in a nightclub, she was a nightclub executive, there was a group of people managed by her, and there were many younger brothers. In the past, she was like a big sister, calling the wind and rain in the night show, and dealing with the big and small things in the nightclub like a man.

But the good times did not last long, and then the nightclub closed, and then no one knew her whereabouts. Insiders also said that the homeless woman was from Heilongjiang, and did not know why she wandered in Dongguan, nor did she know what she had experienced before coming here.

Although insiders revealed some of the real situation of the homeless women, no one still clearly knows the main reasons why the homeless women chose this kind of life.

Moreover, judging by the dress and age of the homeless woman, she should have a family and a family, why would she leave her hometown and come here, to the point of falling to the street, why didn't she ask her family for help?

Therefore, there are still many hidden secrets in the homeless woman. Although the locals are curious about what the wandering girl has experienced in the past, the wandering woman's expression of not wanting to speak makes people want to stop talking. However, there are still many well-meaning people in the local area who are willing to provide her with some assistance.

For example, usually a well-meaning person hands a bottle of water to a homeless woman, and the homeless woman will express her gratitude after receiving the water, and then she will unscrew the bottle and drink it, and will also carefully look at the label of the bottle of water. It can be seen that the wandering woman has a normal intelligence and basic discrimination ability, and the reason why she will wander should be a way of life that she actively chooses.

Usually, the wandering girl will eat some scraps of cold soup in order to fill her stomach, and she does not have any pickiness about this, and seems to be content with such a life. But people nearby responded that in fact, the homeless woman also needs to be safe and sheltered, and she still longs for a stable and comfortable life in her heart. Because people nearby had witnessed the homeless woman go to the dumpster to pick up things, she rummaged through the garbage can for a long time, no one knew what she was turning over, and later found out that she was looking for a discarded doll inside.

At night, the tramp would sleep with the doll in her arms, as if the doll had become the wanderer's only companion. Now the homeless woman is still wandering in Dongguan, she has aroused the curiosity of many people, her current life is very bitter, hungry and full, and if she continues like this, I am afraid that her health will be in trouble.

But the wandering girl has no intention of changing the state of life, no one knows how long her wandering life will last, but whenever people see the wandering woman, they will inevitably worry about her, where will she go in the future, and how long will such a wandering day last?

3, the road to self-redemption, excitement and bumps

Although the life of a wandering woman is not understood by ordinary people, judging from her past experience, she should be like most ordinary people who have suffered setbacks, but she has been hit by life at once.

"She used to be very beautiful and big sister": the homeless woman did not say a word, holding a doll and sleeping on the street corner

The homeless woman's life is now full of powerlessness, she resigns herself to fate, and has lost hope in life, otherwise she would not have chosen this wandering lifestyle.

But who lives in real life, who has not experienced setbacks and still stubbornly survived? How many people are born to be carefree and smooth until the end of their lives?

It is inevitable that setbacks and difficulties will be encountered in life, and if someone is willing to lend a hand in a moment of crisis, this is the most precious sentiment.

However, most of the setbacks and bumps still need to be spent on their own, on the road of self-redemption, full of unknowns, thorns, but when you cross the predicament and break through yourself, you will be able to meet a more brilliant tomorrow.

I hope that the wandering women can pluck up the courage to face the past encounters as soon as possible, regroup, get out of the haze, and embrace a better tomorrow.

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