
Can I take a bath after abdominal dialysis surgery?

"Hello, I am Xiao Li who just had abdominal dialysis surgery, and I have been discharged home for 3 weeks now, although you told me about the precautions for bathing during the hospitalization, I am still afraid of infection and dare not take a bath.

This patient is right to be concerned that keeping the skin around the peritoneal dialysis line clean is one of the important factors in avoiding infection at the wound and preventing peritonitis.

Can I take a bath after abdominal dialysis surgery?

Generally speaking, when the stitches are not removed after catheterization surgery, it is forbidden to bathe, and the body can be wiped with a towel to avoid wet wounds and dressings. After the stitch removal, the wound can be well healed in the form of a shower, it is forbidden to bathe, the external exit and dialysis catheter should be closed and fixed with a special bath protection bag when bathing, the bath time should not be too long, and the external exit care must be carried out after bathing.

Bathing should be prepared in advance, prepare masks, sterile dressings, sterile cotton swabs, iodine, saline, bath protection bags (usually disposable bags), catheter fixing stickers and other items.

When bathing, wash the skin around the outlet first, pour the bath liquid on the bath sponge or small square towel, and gently scrub the skin around the protective bag. To shower from top to bottom, do not let the outlet soak in water. Then thoroughly wash the skin of the whole body, then gently dry the skin around the outlet with a clean towel, and finally dry the whole body.

The bath time should be arranged as much as possible before the catheter exit is changed, that is, after the bath. When changing the outlet, gently remove the disposable bag, observe whether there is water ingress at the outlet and catheter interface, and perform an outlet change. Each time the dressing is changed, the situation at the exit should be carefully observed to see if there are signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, exudation or pressure pain, etc., and if abnormalities are found, consult the medical staff in time.

In addition, pay attention to the towels and bathing supplies not mixed with the family to avoid cross-infection.

(Chen Qianqian, Henan Provincial People's Hospital)

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