
Is KFC's "foreign" peppery soup the Runaway Town Pie or the Beiwudu Pie?

author:Big River Newspaper

Dahe Daily reporter Hou Bingyu

On September 16, KFC launched the "Henan Limited" menu of peppery soup, which appeared on the breakfast menu of Henan KFC together with the classic CP of oil steamed bun and vegetable corner. In Henan, Hu Spicy Soup has always been divided into several factions, of which the two major genres of "Xiaoyao Town" and "North Dance Ferry" are the most famous. So, is KFC's "foreign" peppery soup a runaway town school or a north dance school?

"Foreign" peppery soup is a real runaway town pie

Xiaoyao Town Peppery Soup originates from Xiaoyao Town, Xihua County, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, mainly contains beef, peanuts, bean tendons, kelp, vermicelli, yellow cauliflower, fungus, etc., before serving drizzle with a little sesame oil, spicy mellow, soup aroma. Hokumado Peppery Soup is a "stewed meat" peppery soup, which focuses on the broth, and the raw lamb or beef is simmered together with bone broth and flour, so that the taste of the meat is fully integrated with the soup.

In terms of color and concentration, the hu spicy soup in Xiaoyao Town is darker in color and thicker in soup, while the hu spicy soup in Beiwudu is lighter in color, the soup is slightly thinner than in Xiaoyao Town, and some of them are sprinkled with green onions before being served.

Comparing the above conditions, and then looking at KFC's peppery soup, it is a real runaway town pie. Previously, KFC also made it clear that the peppery soup launched this time is jointly launched by the production technology of the non-heritage peppery soup, from the selection of raw materials, production technology and taste collocation, we strive to present the "authentic" peppery soup, high-quality beef slow stew, with yellow cauliflower, fungus, gluten and other rich ingredients, to ensure the balance of nutrition, and the selection of more than 20 kinds of gourmet spices to cook together, each bite is rich and layered.

Is KFC's "foreign" peppery soup the Runaway Town Pie or the Beiwudu Pie?

Why is it that in the hearts of Zhengzhou people, the peppery soup in Xiaoyao Town is always more appetizing?

Whether it is in the streets and alleys of Zhengzhou, as long as it is a spicy soup shop that can be seen, 70% of it is related to "Xiaoyao Town". Why is it that in the hearts of Zhengzhou people, the peppery soup in Xiaoyao Town is always more appetizing?

"First of all, the taste of Xiaoyao Town is heavier, which is more in line with the taste of Zhengzhou people." Moreover, in the impression of Zhengzhou people, the peppery soup must be thick, and the peppery soup of The North Dance Crossing is sparse, and it looks like it is 'leaked', and everyone feels that it is 'not authentic'. Kang Changxi, founder of Xiaoxi Ge Hu Spicy Soup (formerly "Fang Datong" Hu Spicy Soup), told reporters that in recent years, Xiaoyao Town Hu Spicy Soup has gradually improved and matured in industrialization, not only can be eaten in the store, but also can be bought on the Internet, which is more in line with the consumption trend of young consumers, so let everyone have a deeper impression of the three words "Runaway Town".

The reporter searched and found that although the Beiwudu Peppery Soup was loved by many consumers in and around the place of origin, there were indeed not many stores in Zhengzhou and even other cities in Henan. The reluctance to expand the industry is also a reason why the Hokumadu Peppery Soup has not had a strong impression in the minds of consumers so far. The more business-minded "Xiaoyaozhen" people brought the Huoyao Town Hu Spicy Soup into more cities in Henan, including Zhengzhou, early on, and the preconceived notions captured the stomachs of more consumers.

Is KFC's "foreign" peppery soup the Runaway Town Pie or the Beiwudu Pie?

(Hokumado Peppery Soup, Infographic)

In addition, for the continuous marketing and innovation of The Happy Town Peppery Soup, the Beiwudu Peppery Soup is always too "low-key". In contrast to a series of actions such as the "China on the Tip of the Tongue", the establishment of the Xiaoyao Town Hu Spicy Soup Association, the holding of the Hu Spicy Soup Competition, and the official award of "Henan Hu Spicy Soup Town" in Xihua County, beiwudu Hu Spicy Soup seems to have no connection with society and consumers, but is just a corner of peace, and the head is "self-deprecating". However, just like the story circulating in the North Dance Ferry, some people advised the North Dance Ferry to go to the outside world to open a shop, but they were rejected, and the reason for the willfulness also made people unable to refute: "I served soup at the door of my home, and Sheng's hands and neck were sore, what else did I do in other places?" It may be that this choice has created the "mystery" of the Beiwudu Peppery Soup, so that many consumers have been thinking about it although they can't taste it.

Source: Dahe Yu Video Editor: Hou Xiaoyong

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