
5 bad habits that make you "grow old", remember to change them in time to delay skin aging

In this age of facial anxiety, female friends wish they could look several years younger than their peers. Of course, youth residency is impossible to achieve, but if you pay attention to avoiding some bad habits in daily life and maintaining the health of the skin barrier, you can still grow older slowly.

5 bad habits that make you "grow old", remember to change them in time to delay skin aging

Here are 5 bad habits that can lead to skin aging, and if you have such habits, remember to change them in time.

1. Stay up late and have a bad sleeping position

If you lack sleep, it is easy to cause endocrine disorders, decreased metabolism, resulting in elevated cortisol levels, inhibiting the self-repair of human cells.

Therefore, staying up late for a long time and lacking sleep often produces more stains and wrinkles, and looks older than the actual age. It is recommended to ensure 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day, preferably at 10 p.m. and another 30 minutes at noon.

In addition, sleeping on your stomach can also lead to skin damage and aging. Because sleeping on the stomach will make the facial skin rub against the pillow for a long time, causing skin lesions, and will affect the blood circulation of the face, which is not conducive to the repair of cells, and will also form inertia because of muscle folding, aggravating the nasolabial folds. Therefore, if you want to sleep beautifully, it is best to take a supine sleeping position.

5 bad habits that make you "grow old", remember to change them in time to delay skin aging

2. Eat sweets

Many female friends can't resist the temptation of sweets and don't refuse sweets. However, sugar can lead to skin aging, because sugar will bind to collagen, affecting the ability of collagen to repair and regenerate, resulting in wrinkles, sagging and other skin problems. Therefore, if you want to stay young, you must control your sugar intake.

It should also be reminded that although many foods are not very sweet to eat, the sugar content is extremely high, such as cheesecake, yogurt, chocolate, these foods are accomplices of aging.

Therefore, when facing sweets, be sure to hold on to yourself and do not eat too much, so as not to accelerate skin aging.

5 bad habits that make you "grow old", remember to change them in time to delay skin aging

3, do not pay attention to sun protection

Ultraviolet rays are the culprits of aging, skin exposure to ultraviolet rays for a long time, will cause collagen damage, so that the skin loses elasticity, resulting in skin wrinkles, sagging and other aging phenomena.

Therefore, if you want to stay young, you must pay attention to sun protection measures in your daily life, try not to go out at noon when the ultraviolet rays are strongest, and indeed you must apply enough sunscreen to go out, it is best to be able to play umbrellas, all-round isolation of ultraviolet rays, and protect the skin from harm.

5 bad habits that make you "grow old", remember to change them in time to delay skin aging

4. Lack of exercise

Lack of exercise affects blood circulation, facial skin cells do not get enough nutrients, will have no luster, easy to dull. If you want to keep young female friends, it is recommended to do aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week, each time maintaining more than 30 minutes, it is best to choose some aerobic exercise that can effectively improve heart rate, such as swimming, jogging, jumping rope, playing badminton and so on.

5 bad habits that make you "grow old", remember to change them in time to delay skin aging

5. Smoking and alcoholism

Cigarettes contain a variety of harmful chemicals, which will produce free radicals, affect the activity of skin cell proteins, accelerate skin aging, and cause wrinkles, enlarged pores, dull complexion and other problems.

Alcohol shortens the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes, inhibits the self-repair function of cells, and accelerates cellular aging. Therefore, if you want to keep young female friends, you must pay attention to staying away from cigarettes and alcohol in your daily life.

5 bad habits that make you "grow old", remember to change them in time to delay skin aging

Female friends who want to maintain young vitality for a long time, in their daily lives, should pay attention to changing some bad habits in time, such as staying up late for a long time, lack of sleep and poor sleeping posture, excessive eating of sweets, not paying attention to sun protection, lack of exercise and smoking and alcohol, etc., can effectively delay the aging of the skin, so that they look younger than their peers.

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