
Night reading | hutong life

Night reading | hutong life

Anchor: And Caiyun

Hutong Life (slightly deleted)

Author: Peng Yuying

My first impression of Beijing's hutongs came from one of my Chinese teachers. In the mid-1980s, a group of teachers from Nujiang Prefecture came from Beijing to support the teaching, and Wu Hong, an actor in the Ministry of Railways Drama Troupe, became a Chinese teacher in the 33rd class of nujiang normal teachers, and I was one of the students in this class.

Night reading | hutong life

The most impressive thing I remembered about Teacher Wu's class was Cao Yu's drama "Thunderstorm". Teacher Wu is an old Beijinger, speaking pure Beijing Mandarin, and the dialogue dialogue in his voice and emotion, let us be fascinated. In order to teach the Chinese well, Mr. Wu carefully prepared the lessons and read many books related to the texts. He was kind to people, his colleagues liked to party in his house, and the students liked to play ball and chess with him. His professionalism and serious attitude towards life give us a glimpse of the spirit of the old Beijingers. Teacher Wu opened our eyes and guided us to the wider world beyond the mountains.

Night reading | hutong life

Before coming to Beijing, Teacher Wu asked me, what do you want to see most in Beijing? I replied "hutong" without hesitation. Teacher Wu then asked, what do you most want to feel in Beijing? I rushed out of the "drama". The hutongs hide the old Beijing culture and have the attitude of Beijingers; on the drama stage, there is an understanding of human nature and a reflection on today's society. I thought that when foreigners come to Beijing, if they don't visit the hutongs and don't watch a drama, they are equivalent to coming to Beijing in vain.

Night reading | hutong life

The most beautiful impression of the night view of Shichahai is the idyllic walking in the alley at night after watching the drama at the Central Academy of Drama. The bright moon hangs high, the alleys are quiet, and the street lights are dim. People who returned late on bicycles silently passed by. There were also one or two people who came from the shadows of the trees in the alley. The hutongs circulate the real life of ordinary people, and there is a smell of old Beijing. Supper with Teacher Wu and his two colleagues in the drama industry exchanged views on the drama they had just seen, and the recognition and resonance of the hutong culture from the soul could not be expressed in words.

Night reading | hutong life

In the Hutongs of Beijing, the memories of the years have swept away, and I am immersed in the joy of reuniting with Teacher Wu. After Teacher Wu returned to Beijing from the Nu River, I watched the movie "Zhenzhen's Hair House" starring him. I remember that when he left Nujiang, he gave me great hope and encouragement to me who loved to write, hoping that one day, I would be able to carry books to Beijing to see teachers. After graduating from Nujiang Normal School, I was assigned to work in the State Education Bureau, and later transferred back to my alma mater, Nujiang Normal School. Time was hurried, 30 years away from Teacher Wu, I was fortunate to be recommended by the Yunnan Provincial Writers Association to study in Luyuan, holding the newly published prose collection "Chasing the Wind and Chasing Dreams" to Beijing, meeting Teacher Wu Hong, and fulfilling the dream of that year.

Night reading | hutong life

For me in the garden of dream-chasing literature, I stand in my heart an invisible but existent god, all dreams are noble, all dreams are small, and life is interpreted in contradictions. Whether we are teachers or students, we are all a grain of dust among the insignificant beings. Teacher Wu's life is a hutong life, and my life is not a hutong life!

About the Author:

Night reading | hutong life

Peng Yuying, pen name Cangjiang Xiayi, Bai ethnic group, Yunnan Nujiang people. He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association and a student of the 37th Senior Seminar for Young and Middle-Aged Writers of Lu Xun Academy. His published works include the novel "Jujube Red", the novel collection "Broken Flowers on the Ancient Road", "The Tree on the Clouds", the essay collection "Nu Jiang Ji", "Chasing the Wind and Chasing Dreams", "The Salt Horse Ancient Road", "The Mountain One Journey and one Water Journey - Lanping County Yanma Ancient Road Cultural Exploration", and the documentary literature collection "The Aura of the Grand Canyon". The first Nujiang "Famous Artists". He served as a liaison expert of the Nujiang Prefecture Party Committee and an expert of the Expert Committee on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Nujiang Prefecture.

"Hutong Life" is selected from the essay group chapter "Fang Fei Walks to Beijing in April" written by Peng Yuying in 2014.

Reader Profile:

Night reading | hutong life

A reporter and editor at the Caiyun Nujiang Media Center. He loves literature and occasionally practices writing. He loves audio acting and believes that sound acting is a fascinating artistic field. The most memorable life experience is to sign up for the countryside, directly participate in the work of poverty alleviation in the frontline, and work in two years and three months.

Night reading | hutong life

Editor: Zhou Qingqing

Review: Yang Jie

Supervisor: Chen Jie

Here's the point of view

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