
To build a world-class tourist destination, Guangzhou will improve the mechanism for regularly updating the red list of Guangzhou and Hong Kong

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

At the special press conference held by the Information Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government on the "3.15" International Consumer Rights Day "Guarding Safety and Smooth Consumption", Wu Qingsong, member of the party group and deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism, said in response to a reporter's question, "In recent years, the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism has actively promoted the integrity construction of travel agencies, continuously improved Cantonese service standards and service quality, created a good cultural tourism market order, and promoted the construction of a world-class tourist destination. ”

There are currently 125 travel agencies in Guangzhou

Rated as an honest travel agency

According to reports, the evaluation of honest travel agencies has been carried out in Guangzhou for 12 years. At present, a total of 125 travel agencies in Guangzhou have been rated as honest travel agencies, and 45 travel agencies have been included in the ninth batch of "quality and integrity Hong Kong tour" red list, which has further promoted the improvement of the management level and service quality of travel agencies. Wu Qingsong said, "In 2021, we will continue to increase the normalization of management and evaluation of honest travel agencies, continue to promote the 'high-quality and honest Hong Kong tour' red list system pioneered by Guangzhou and Hong Kong in the country as the starting point, improve the regular update mechanism of the red list of Sui Hong Kong, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with travel agencies in surrounding cities, and create a high-quality tourism market environment." ”

In addition, Guangzhou is also promoting the implementation of the blacklist system in the tourism market. Formulate the "Guangzhou Tourism Market Blacklist Management Work Plan", issue the "Notice on Further Promoting the Implementation of the Measures for the Management of the Blacklist of the < Tourism Market (Trial Implementation)" >", increase the intensity of collection of bad information on the operation and service of travel agencies, improve the effectiveness of "Internet +" supervision and law enforcement, strengthen information sharing with departments such as development and reform, market supervision, public security, and Internet information, strengthen joint disciplinary action for untrustworthiness, and strive to create a tourism market environment that is honest and law-abiding.

Guangzhou has held 24 festivals

A series of online live training courses for tour guides

The tour guide is the executor of the travel agency's group plan, which directly affects the feelings of citizens and tourists. According to reports, there are 20,532 registered tour guides in Guangzhou, including 99 senior tour guides and 822 intermediate tour guides. In 2020, the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism used the online training platform to focus on emergency response and civilized services, holding 24 series of online live training courses for tour guides, with 25,123 tour guides participating; guiding the Guangzhou Tour Guide Association to carry out the "Telling the Story of Guangzhou - Tourist Guide Culture Topic" training, and 2221 tour guides participated in the training.

In addition, the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism has also achieved remarkable results in the "standardization construction of the tourism industry", and has organized the preparation and revision of 5 local standards, such as the "Travel Agency Package Tourism Product Grade Specification", "Travel Agency Service Quality Compensation Standard", "Guangzhou Travel Agency Study and Travel Service Specification", "Guangzhou Research and Study Travel Base Service Specification" and "Honest Travel Agency Service Specification and Evaluation".

Written by: Nandu reporter Xiao Yang

Correspondent: Sui Wen Guang Travel Xuan

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