
From time to time, the constellation of the "predecessor" is mentioned in front of the "incumbent"

The predecessor is a scar in the hearts of many people, and it is an insurmountable obstacle. After going through a relationship, there are always people who talk about the ex, some to compare with the current, and some because the old love is unforgettable. In this issue, we want to share that Taurus: April 20 to May 20 in the solar calendar.

From time to time, the constellation of the "predecessor" is mentioned in front of the "incumbent"

Gemini: May 21 to June 21 in the gregorian calendar

Gemini is one of the zodiac signs that likes to compare predecessors and incumbents. In Gemini's mind, what he has must be the best, as long as Gemini decides to be with the other party, it means that the other party must have a shining point that he can't refuse.

Therefore, after Gemini breaks up with the ex, he will not completely deny the ex. And for Gemini, he has given up the past and is open-minded, so the ex is not a taboo topic, and they will often take the initiative to talk about it.

From time to time, the constellation of the "predecessor" is mentioned in front of the "incumbent"

Aries: March 21 to April 19 in the solar calendar

Aries believe that feelings themselves need to be honest and open, so they never hide anything from the incumbent. Aries will tell their current lovers what they really think, and will intentionally or unintentionally use the current and the ex as each other. Of course, Aries will mention the benefits of the predecessor, and never shy away from the shortcomings of the predecessor.

And Aries also knows what to say and what not to say. Mentioning the ex is not from a malicious point of view, nor is it to demean the incumbent, but just a realistic chat.

From time to time, the constellation of the "predecessor" is mentioned in front of the "incumbent"

Pisces: February 19 to March 20 in the solar calendar

Pisces friends also have a more open attitude towards their predecessors. If the last relationship did not make too ugly, after the breakup, the Pisces may continue to be friends with each other.

Even in front of the incumbent, Pisces don't deliberately shy away from talking about their predecessors. If a Pisces deliberately avoids everything related to the predecessor, it means that they may have reservations about the incumbent.

From time to time, the constellation of the "predecessor" is mentioned in front of the "incumbent"

Taurus: April 20 to May 20 in the solar calendar

Taurus friends may not usually mention the ex, but when arguing with the incumbent, they may deliberately mention the ex to achieve the purpose of angering the incumbent.

Taurus sometimes mention their predecessors because they want the incumbents to change or cherish themselves more. In fact, this method is wrong. When the Taurus quarrels with the current, the goodness of the ex in their mouths is an illusion. It is the breakup that causes the Taurus to forget the bad of the ex and leave only a good part of the memory.

From time to time, the constellation of the "predecessor" is mentioned in front of the "incumbent"

This article is for entertainment only, and the picture comes from the artist Old Capital.

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