
Don't pick up this fruit on the street

author:Bright Net

Autumn breeze is cool, ginkgo biloba has become a favorite of many people, in addition to taking photos, there are many people staring at the landing of the ginkgo fruit -

Legend has it that ginkgo biloba leaves and ginkgo biloba fruits are good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so every autumn, many people gather in groups of three or five to pick up ginkgo fruits and ginkgo leaves.

So, what is the health value of ginkgo biloba fruit? How to eat ginkgo biloba? Let's take a look.

Ginkgo biloba – a good medicine on the street

Known as the "living fossil" of the plant kingdom, Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest surviving tree species in the world, with leaves and fruits having certain medicinal properties.

The seed kernel of ginkgo biloba is called white fruit, which has been eaten in China for thousands of years, and its medicinal use has a history of more than 600 years.

Its efficacy has been recorded as early as the ancient medical book "Shennong Materia Medica", and now it often appears in children's traditional Chinese medicine tablet prescriptions.


Chinese medicine believes that white fruit tastes sweet, bitter, astringent, flat, toxic, belongs to the lungs, kidney meridians, and has the effect of suppressing asthma, dissolving phlegm, and stopping urinary shrinkage.

Therefore, white fruit is often used in the treatment of patients with insufficient lung qi, weak speech, and shortness of breath caused by prolonged cough.


In addition, white fruit can tonify kidney essence, fill the brain marrow, improve people's memory, and delay brain aging.

This is because Chinese medicine believes that the lungs are the source of water, and jinsheng water, that is, drugs and foods that nourish the lungs, can eventually indirectly supplement the kidney essence, and the kidney hides the essence of the essence.

And kidney Tibetan zhi, "zhi" is memory, memory decline, recent events can not be remembered, the past things can not be forgotten is related to kidney deficiency.

Symptoms such as not being able to sleep at night and not having energy during the day are also associated with kidney sperm deficiency in old age.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, white fruit is a kind of brain-building material that can be called a walnut.


In addition, white fruit is rich in vitamin C, riboflavin, carotene, etc., so it can be antioxidant and delay aging.

The essential amino acids contained in it are raw materials for the synthesis of collagen, which can make the skin shiny and elastic.

Therefore, it is also favored by many female friends.

Ginkgo biloba is poisonous! Don't mess around

Although white fruit is very common, China has a tradition of eating it since ancient times, but this does not mean that eating white fruit is safe.

Modern pharmacological analysis believes that ginkgo biloba fruit contains more ginkgolic acid, and these substances have clear cytotoxicity, immunotoxicity and sensitization.

In addition, ginkgo biloba also contains a small amount of "cyanide" and alkaloid-like poisons, various toxins interact with each other, will inevitably aggravate the toxicity, improper consumption will lead to poisoning, and even death.

Usually, we can often see cases of poisoning by eating white fruit by mistake.

Don't pick up this fruit on the street

In addition, because the outer seed coat of the white fruit contains organic acids, it can stimulate the skin and cause contact dermatitis, blisters, and even allergic dermatitis.

Therefore, in the process of picking up white fruits and cleaning white fruits, it is best to wear gloves, and allergies need to be treated immediately.

White fruit consumption is contraindicated

Although the white fruit is good, it cannot be eaten casually.

Do not eat raw

Raw white fruit not only taste bitter, but also contain cyanosides, white fruit acid and other toxic substances, so before eating, the seed coat and the more toxic white core (green germ part) should be removed, soaked for more than half a day, cooked thoroughly before eating.

Do not eat more

Raw food, excessive consumption of white fruit, light headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, heavy convulsions, coma, and even lead to respiratory paralysis and death.

It is recommended to limit the daily intake to 5 to 10 grams, that is, adults should not exceed 10 capsules per day.

Once the above symptoms of poisoning are found, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Pregnant women and children do not eat

Children have a low tolerance to toxins, and eating untreated white fruits is easily poisoned.

If the child has cough, enuresis and other problems, it is recommended to take white fruit treatment under the guidance of a doctor; healthy children should not eat white fruit.

In addition, pregnant women, menstruating women, postoperative and allergic people should not eat white fruit; in addition, people who take anticoagulants and painkillers should not eat it.


Cough phlegm yellow do not eat

Although ginkgo biloba has the effect of suppressing cough and relieving asthma, not all asthma is suitable.

If you are short of strength and love to cough and breathe, it is more suitable for eating ginkgo biloba fruit.

However, if the cough is accompanied by yellow sputum, it is necessary not to consume ginkgo fruit, otherwise it may lead to chest tightness and dizziness and other symptoms.


Don't eat on the side of the road

As a sidewalk tree on the main road, the ginkgo tree will not only be regularly sprayed with pesticides, but also polluted by a large amount of exhaust gas from passing cars, and the heavy metal content should not be low.

Therefore, the ginkgo fruit on these ginkgo trees should not be eaten.

Common ways to eat white fruit

BBQ ginkgo biloba

Cut the ginkgo fruit into a small mouth, sprinkle a small amount of salt into the dish, bake on high heat for 2 to 3 minutes in the microwave, or place the ginkgo fruit directly on the stove for a while, but see the flesh of the fried shell emerald green, yellow slight, while hot to eat sticky, tendon, a little bitter, but just right.

After tasting the mellow and long delicacies of the ginkgo biloba fruit, the Southern Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli once gave a poem praising: "The dark gray and light fire are slightly encountered, and the ziruo micro-sweet rhyme is the highest." It may not be like a duck's foot, but you may wish to accompany ginkgo biloba with golden peach."

White fruit roast chicken

Peel the white fruit and heart buds, when the lard is 60% hot, put it in and fry it and then fish it up; cut the carrots into small plum blossom shapes and blanch them; put the chicken into boiling water and cook them, then scoop them up and rinse them in clean water.

Put the chicken in the pot, ginger, green onion, rice wine, pour enough clear soup, boil and then switch to low heat, simmer until the chicken is ripe, add white fruit, put fine salt.

After the white fruit is burned, put the chicken on a plate and surround the white fruit around the chicken. Put the soup in the pot on the high heat, remove the ginger and green onion, hook in the wet starch, put the chicken fat and even the pot when the soup becomes thick, pour it on the chicken, and put the carrots around the chicken.

White fruit stewed duck

Take the duck and cut it into pieces, put the water into the pot after boiling, add the rice wine and blanch it and then fish it out for later; put the appropriate amount of broth in the casserole, put the duck pieces after boiling, and then put the white fruit, add salt and pepper, pour in the clear soup, steam for 40 minutes.


Ginkgo biloba products are natural medicines that are used more often to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

But it is unscientific to directly pick leaves from roadside trees and "take them in situ".

Because the active ingredients of ginkgo biloba need to be chemically extracted to exert medicinal effects, and ginkgo biloba leaves contain toxic components such as white fruit acid and hydrocyanic acid in addition to lactones and flavonoids.

Active ingredients such as lactones and flavonoids are difficult to dissolve in water, and the water solubility of toxic white fruit acid and hydrocyanic acid is relatively high.

If the ginkgo biloba leaves are directly soaked in water, not only can not achieve the role of health care and treatment of diseases, but may cause poisoning.

Source: China Traditional Chinese Medicine News, People's Network Health, Health Care, Health Care China

Source: Shanghai Putuo

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