
December 19 Gemini Full Moon and Venus Retrograde - Dog Blood plot is not the grand finale

When Venus began to enter Capricorn in November this year, we have already described the impact of Venus Capricorn in 2021. Today we would like to add the significance of the conjunction of Venus and Pluto twice during this year's Venus Capricorn period.

Pluto is the guardian star of Scorpio. Ruling the eighth house in astrology often represents money, sex, scandal, and death. In the past, this was considered an unspeakable, ugly, dirty, and unlucky area. But the extremely cold Pluto doesn't just represent Scorpio's ruthless side. Where there is cold, there is warmth, and where there is extinction, there is life. In the extinction zone, the will to survive of all things tends to be stronger. Desperate to leave the dark zone requires great courage and execution. Nirvana rebirth is the fundamental meaning of Pluto.

In our personal chart, the position of the house where Pluto falls often shows where a person is prone to perceive fear and experience destruction and reconstruction.

In the past 2019 and 2020, Saturn and Pluto formed a conjunction. In the past, we have talked a lot about home and country, new and old, persistence and order. In fact, we have experienced some major events to a greater or lesser extent. This year, Venus and Pluto meet again in Capricorn, which is less repressive than Saturn and shows the characteristics of Pluto itself. Less calm, more cruelty.

As mentioned in the past, Venus is the guardian star of Taurus and Libra. In astrology, Venus not only affects our one-on-one relationships, but also affects aesthetics, consumption, and materialism. Under the influence of these three golden conjunctions, each person roughly exerted some influence in the realm dominated by Venus above. However, depending on each person's astrolabe, the angle from which the event occurs will be very different.

On December 11, Venus and Pluto met

On December 27, Venus and Mercury Pluto meet

On March 4, 2022, Venus, Mars, Pluto, met

December 19 Gemini Full Moon and Venus Retrograde - Dog Blood plot is not the grand finale

On the same day of the full moon in Gemini on December 19, Venus began to retrograde in Capricorn. The impact of the Golden Meditation Is Long-Term and Profound. Under the action of the full moon in Gemini, there is a great intention to speak. In the past, some things that people did not want to face often needed to be honest under the influence of the full moon. It is perfect for the full moon of reconciliation. Whether you are in family, friendship, love, partnership, etc., things that used to be stubborn are suitable for honesty under the influence of the full moon. Or maybe you don't have the courage to act at the moment, but it is still suitable for you to re-understand these sensitive people and things in the past in your own mind, and to prepare for the future revision of the relationship.

People are always afraid of the end of things, or face failure. Please do not take Pluto's ability to respawn. When your beliefs are subverted, when you feel that life is not warm, please bravely lift your feet, step out, and leave the people and things that are no longer suitable. You are the foundation of life. Your beliefs determine the direction you go.

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