
Plain love is not suitable for Leo, ta needs to be warm

Plain love is not suitable for Leo, ta needs to be warm

Plain love is not suitable for Leo, ta needs to be warm

Leo everyone is still not clear, this person's personality characteristics are very distinct, simple and cheerful, enthusiastic and generous, but the temper is also very bad, behavior is sometimes more extreme, a look is not good sign.

But to put it bluntly, Leo is a vulnerable person in the relationship! This is not a black lion, because the truth of this person's personality has led to his feelings being too easy to be frustrated, coupled with pride and conceit, soft heart and easy to coax, so his feelings are often bumpy, just like my Leo friends around me, the emotional situation is generally not optimistic.

But for the lion, he didn't care about the setbacks of feelings, what he was afraid of was too bland. Because the love that a lion needs is fiery, even determined, but it must not be bland, ordinary love is not suitable for Leo.

The lion's subjective position is too strong, if the two people together are too flat, the relationship is relatively smooth, then he will feel less. To put it bluntly, it is that two people together must have ups and downs, there must be changes, once he finds that there is no difference between being in love and being single, the lion will definitely find a way to toss it to strengthen the depth of the feelings.

A very simple example, when the lion was single, he ate and slept every day to study and work, no one was noisy, no one was noisy, and the day was confused and passed. But after falling in love, if it is still this kind of day, the lion will feel very unwilling, and then start to find stubble, and the other party laughs and quarrels, so that the ups and downs of the mood can make him feel that he has been mobilized by feelings.

At the same time, Leo will also use the ultimate effort to improve his sense of participation in the relationship, thereby deepening the ups and downs of the feelings. You will find that if a lion pays a lot in the relationship and makes the other party very moved, it must be more than the other party to pay a lot to make him very moved, and it can make the lion happy.

Because the lion just remembers to eat and not to remember to fight, he will always be unconditionally good to those he likes, and at the same time, he longs for the feeling that the other party is touched by his own efforts.

In layman's terms, Leo is more likely to be moved by himself, and he will be satisfied with the psychological satisfaction generated by self-moving. So to a certain extent, his tantrums, playing missing, drunk out of control, etc., are all to toss and turn their feelings warmly, which also leads to the impression of "Leo immature".

Then once the other party can't understand, or even feel that he is unreasonable, the lion's confidence in this relationship is easily destroyed, which will lead to his further loss of control. In this case, the lion will either be motivated to prove that he is all for love, or he will choose to break up in order to save face.

So I said at the beginning that the vast majority of lions' feelings must be bumpy. This kind of feeling that can bring changes to life, can stir up thousands of waves with one stone, and can deeply and passionately make each other unforgettable in this life, is what the lion needs.

But then again, if the lion shows the appearance of "not wanting to toss, just wanting to be plain", it can only mean that he himself is not moved enough and is sure that he does not want to be responsible.

So don't think that lions can be noisy and restless, you just have a headache. On the contrary, the more the lion can toss you, the luckier you are!

Remember, don't refuse the lion's enthusiasm, and don't be afraid of his tossing, what you need to do is to tolerate him and feel his true, sincere love.

Because when the lion finds you worthy, he can even give you his life!


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