
Evening Reading 丨 Four ways to help you improve yourself

Evening Reading 丨 Four ways to help you improve yourself


To be diligent in raising the rich

"It's not difficult to work hard." A hard-working person, even if his life is tight, will certainly be able to get out of the predicament. A lazy and procrastinating person, even if the family is good, may sit in the mountains and eat the sky.

Life in the world, not afraid of temporary life suffering, not afraid of the current difficulties, the most terrible thing is laziness. Tired things do not want to do, difficult things will not be done, over time, it will not be high or low.

Happiness needs to be managed, and the life you want, only you can give. A little more hard work, a little more confidence in life; a little more progress, a little more right to choose.

Evening Reading 丨 Four ways to help you improve yourself


To learn to cultivate knowledge

There is poetry and bookishness in the belly.

There is a discussion on the Internet: "What is the difference between people who read regularly and those who don't?" ”

One replied: "The more you read the novel, the more you will see the ups and downs of life and become calm; the more you read history, the more you will see the insight and wisdom of your predecessors, and you will become speculative; the more you read science, the more you will learn rigorous analytical methods and become rational; the more you read philosophy, the more you will perceive the grand human civilization and become profound." ”

With the continuous enrichment of knowledge, you will not be confined to the trivialities of life, nor will you be trapped in a temporary dilemma in life. The more you read, the wider the world you see.

Evening Reading 丨 Four ways to help you improve yourself


To move and nourish yourself

Life is in motion. Sports-loving people tend to allocate their time more calmly and often reap healthy rewards.

It is common to see some elderly people with strong spirits, insisting on morning exercise every day. They either dance tai chi, or jump rope and kick the shuttlecock, or jogg and climb the mountain, and their spirits are full.

In contrast, there are some young people who often eat together and play games after work, stay up late on weekends, do not get up, and refuse to exercise with various excuses, often resulting in listlessness and yawning.

Instead of envying the good health of others when you are old, it is better to pay attention to your own health from now on. No matter how busy life is, take some time to exercise, no matter how tired you are at work, and share some energy to exercise. Every drop of sweat you shed is shaping a more energetic version of yourself.

Evening Reading 丨 Four ways to help you improve yourself


To calm the mind

A quiet mind is clear, a clear heart is clear, this is an attitude to life.

People who are too impetuous, their hearts are not quiet, and when they encounter problems, they will be afraid and overwhelmed.

In fact, if you think about it calmly, you will find that the things that give you a headache may not be so complicated, and those you usually don't like may have their own grievances. You will also become more and more tolerant, gradually more and more lenient.

Life is like a white colt crossing the gap, we may not be able to change the length of life, but we can choose the width of our own life. If you bloom, the butterflies will come. Enrich yourself, success will favor you.

Evening Reading 丨 Four ways to help you improve yourself

Photography | West Hill Watch

Source 丨 Xinhua News Agency, the article has been deleted and revised

Producer: Ou Can, Zhang Xiaohui

Editor: Yan Shan, Xie Fei

Editor-in-charge: Cao Chunyao Xu Bingyi

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