
Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

In daily life, when we choose some clothing items, we will always unconsciously ignore some wearing details, such as ignoring the improvement of body proportions; the sense of coordination between colors; the advantages of clothing, just like when we choose down jackets in winter, we often ignore how to avoid bloated feelings.

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

The most important reason why the down jacket is favored by everyone in winter is its warm and practical effect, but if you want to wear a down jacket that is easy to appear bloated, you still need to work it. Dong Jie seriously spent the winter, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", a black down jacket with gray trousers, wrapped himself tightly, looking very bloated, in fact, the problem lies in the collocation.

First, Dong Jie's down jacket wearing details interpretation

Wearing knowledge points: large areas of black and white gray show old age

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

Although black and white gray is a versatile and not easy to make mistakes of color, but large area of wear is also easy to give people old-fashioned, dull feeling, it is recommended to add bright colors in large areas of black and white gray, play a role in increasing the visual level at the same time, but also make the vision more eye-catching.

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

In addition, the shape and collocation are not selected correctly, and it is also a key factor that is easy to produce "old-fashioned". The version of the single product on Dong Jie's body is too basic, especially the down jacket in the horizontal extension and bloated version, and does not add any layers and highlights, it is inevitable that it is a little old-fashioned, and it is really not "noble".

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

This down jacket is from parda, the official website is priced at 27,000 yuan, this basic down jacket style is actually nearly 30,000, it is really poor to limit my imagination.

In fact, Dong Jie's other down jacket style is still remarkable, if you want to wear a down jacket in the autumn and winter, you can learn from Dong Jie's other outfits.

Second, how to wear the down jacket out of the high-grade effect?

Method 1: Try to choose a dark color system

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

Many people will ignore a very important detail when choosing a down jacket, that is, the processing of color, in fact, the choice of color is often the most important point of down jacket. It is recommended that you try more dark down jackets, compared to light colors, it highlights the high-end temperament, and it is also very good for the improvement of women's skin status.

Method two: choose some more textured fabrics

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

In fact, want to wear the down jacket out of the sense of luxury, its fabric choice is also the key, more textured fabrics, can make the overall wear look more grade, such as some leather fabrics, windproof fabrics are very good choices, do not use too strong gloss of leather fabrics, like this slightly matte effect, is the most fashionable.

Third, the down jacket wear must be a little skill

Tip 1: Shift visual attention up and down

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

If you prefer a light-colored down jacket, then it is recommended that you choose dark-colored pants for collocation, there are dark and light, in order to create a clear primary and secondary effect, for the sense of layering is also a good improvement.

And this shallow and deep processing method can instantly make people put the visual point on the lower body, so the lower body of the clothing version must achieve a slim and thin effect.

Tip two: Loose and measured collocation is more inclusive

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

Compared with the choice of overly tight items, such a loose and measured style design is actually more conducive to women exuding their own temperament charm. Loose pieces in winter can create a sense of lazy atmosphere, whether it is down jackets, pants or underwear, just the right sense of distance, is the embodiment of comfort and fashion!

Fashion Summary:

Dong Jie spent the winter seriously, wearing nearly 30,000 down jackets but not "noble", in fact, the problem lies in the collocation

1. In fact, in the winter with down jackets, try to choose pants as the mainstay, do not choose to open legs for the sake of demeanor, do not show legs but more practical and advanced.

2. Fluffy down jackets must be paired with slim and thin pants, so as to achieve a complementary effect and reduce the effect of bloating.

Well, today's down jacket wear is shared here! Do you like to use down jackets for matching in winter? In fact, as long as you learn to find high-grade in the simple, whether it is a down jacket or a coat, you can wear a very amazing effect!

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