
How developed was industry during the Soviet period? There are many high-tech technologies, which are still ahead of the world

As the world's superpower, in addition to the United States, only the former Soviet Union of the last century, said that the Soviet Union after the October Revolution, was once a backward agricultural country, after Stalin came to power, formulated a rather strict five-year development plan, under the premise of restricting agricultural development, making the Soviet Union the most powerful industrial country in the world at that time, so that the Soviet Union was able to stubbornly resist the aggression of Nazi Germany in World War II.

How developed was industry during the Soviet period? There are many high-tech technologies, which are still ahead of the world

Until the collapse of the Soviet Union in the nineties, the Soviet Union left a devastated society, economic development continued to regress, so that people also ignored what the Soviet Union left us, in addition to lessons learned, in fact, many people ignored the level of industrial development in the former Soviet Union, so how developed was the industry in the former Soviet Union?

How developed was industry during the Soviet period? There are many high-tech technologies, which are still ahead of the world

The Soviets have some of their own characteristics compared to Germany in this regard, not as good as Germany advocates fine, not only pay attention to performance, but also pay attention to beauty, but the Soviets are relatively rough, the industrial products he produced are difficult to say what beauty, can only be said to be very practical, such as the Bobosha submachine gun during World War II, which is its typical industrialization representative product. During the Soviet period, smoke-filled factories were everywhere in the country, and most of their gross domestic product was dominated by heavy industry.

How developed was industry during the Soviet period? There are many high-tech technologies, which are still ahead of the world

The development of science and technology in the Soviet Union, since the end of World War II, has reached the point of rapid take-off, which is due to the accumulation of early industry, the Soviet Union is the first country to propose the idea of building a space station, just when the United States is still working on the moon, the Soviet Union has launched a space station, and carried out a series of scientific experiments, the concept of space station has also directly laid the main direction of space development in the next few decades in the world.

How developed was industry during the Soviet period? There are many high-tech technologies, which are still ahead of the world

During the Soviet period, the Tupolev Design Bureau, The Antonov Design Bureau, were the world's top aircraft design bureau at that time, the Tupolev Design Bureau was mainly heavy bombers, transport aircraft, and The Antonov Design Bureau was mainly based on military transport aircraft, so far he designed and produced the An-225 is still the world's largest transport aircraft, and Madasic Company is known as the heart of the Soviet aviation industry, during the Soviet period his products were once exported to more than 90 countries in the world.

How developed was industry during the Soviet period? There are many high-tech technologies, which are still ahead of the world

Relying on a strong industrial base, in fact, the level of industrial development in the Soviet Union was very high, even leading the world, but due to the rapid development of its industry, its internal development was uneven, especially at the expense of agricultural development in the early stage, which was not very wise, and directly led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

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