
In the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the eighth route army sacrificed the highest level of generals in our great Zhengzhou

Zhengzhou is an emerging city that has also made a significant contribution to the victory of the Chinese revolution. Some people have to ask, are there any revolutionary martyrs in Zhengzhou? some. Zhengzhou contributed an immortal revolutionary martyr to the Chinese revolution, and he was the highest-ranking general of the Eighth Route Army in the Hundred Regiments War.

He is Dong Tianzhi. Is Dong Tianzhi from Zhengzhou? Yes, Dong Tianzhi was born in Dong Zhai, Xingyang Chengnan Street, of course, a native of Zhengzhou. He grew up in Xingyang, where he attended elementary school and then middle school. Dong Tianzhi was talented and intelligent, and when he was young, he took the exam twice, the first time he took the second place, and the second time he took the first place.

In Dong Tianzhi's life, there was one person who had a great influence on him, and that was the surging one. When Dong Tianzhi was 16 years old, He Peng went north to Henan, was wanted by the Kuomintang reactionaries, and was introduced to take refuge in Dong Tianzhi's home, where Dong Tianzhi and Peng Peng lived in the same room, were infected by The Peng's thoughts, and later embarked on the revolutionary road.

In the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the eighth route army sacrificed the highest level of generals in our great Zhengzhou

(General Dong Tianzhi)

Dong Tianzhi was very radical in his thinking when he was a student. In 1931, at the age of 20, Dong Tianzhi was arrested, tortured, but preferred to die, his body that was not yet fully matured was seriously damaged, in prison, Dong Tianzhi was tormented by disease, but resolutely carried out hunger strikes with Bo Yibo and other comrades-in-arms.

By the end of the hunger strike, Dong Tianzhi was already dying. After five years of imprisonment, Dong Tianzhi and others were rescued by the party, and he was sent to Shanxi to participate in the work of the death column. Bo Yibo was the political commissar of the First Column of Death, and Dong Tianzhi was appointed political commissar of the Third Column of Death.

However, Yan Xishan did not agree, insisting that the Shanxi people should be the political commissar of the Death Column, and Dong Tianzhi was not a Shanxi native, and was replaced by the director of the Political Department of the Third Column of death. Later, the Third Column of Death was rebuilt, and Dong Tianzhi served as the political commissar, and he was the soul of the Third Column of Death.

In the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the eighth route army sacrificed the highest level of generals in our great Zhengzhou

One might ask, what is the concept of this third column of death? What level does it belong to? The Third Column of death belonged to the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, a party-led unit, roughly equivalent to a brigade of the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, Dong Tianzhi was the political commissar of this column, and Xie Fuzhi, the political commissar of the 385th Brigade, was one rank. Under the correct leadership of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the Third Column grew to more than 6,000 people, as many as 6 regiments, at its peak.

Dong Tianzhi and others led the third column to kill the devils behind the enemy lines in Shanxi, and in half a year, more than a hundred battles of different sizes were fought, and more than 2,000 enemies were annihilated, which made the little Japanese hate it and itch their teeth. The Japanese army released a message, "Who can catch Dong Tianzhi and reward 20,000 oceans." Mr. Peng was very appreciative of Dong Tianzhi and once personally acted as a matchmaker to introduce a wife to Dong Tianzhi, named Liu Xiangping.

In 1940, the Hundred Regiments War broke out, Dong Tianzhi and two regiments were ordered to break through the Japanese stronghold, when they arrived at Guozhuang, the king of Lucheng, they were informed by traitors and besieged by the Japanese army. Dong Tianzhi commanded the troops to fight to the end, he was shot three times in the head, four times in the chest, and finally died heroically.

In the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the eighth route army sacrificed the highest level of generals in our great Zhengzhou

Zhu Laozong, commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army, personally attended the burial ceremony of the remains of the martyr Dong Tianzhi, the highest general of the Eighth Route Army who died in the Battle of the Hundred Regiments.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some people proposed to rename Xingyang County to Tianzhi County, and in 2005, Xingyang City spent 300,000 yuan to repair the former residence of Dong Tianzhi martyr. At the unveiling ceremony of the former residence, the four major groups of Xingyang City personally attended the scene. Today, Dong Tianzhi's former residence has become an important patriotic education base in Xingyang City and even in Zhengzhou.

I went to the former residence to pay respects to General Dong Tianzhi. In the courtyard of the former residence, the tall, handsome, and resolute statue of General Dong Tianzhi stood tall, thinking of the sages, remembering the martyrs, and lamenting that the republic was really hard-won today, which was forged with the blood of countless martyrs.

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