
The person who truly loves you will endure three times

The person who truly loves you will endure three times

When you like a person, even if he doesn't say it, in fact, you can feel the other party's careful thinking from his behavior.

So why are there many friends around, they are obviously not in love, but others can always see the clues from the actions of one of them, and coax for it. This is because when a person has another person in his heart, he will have some preference for her in behavior, resulting in a vague smell around both people.

So, whether a person loves you or not is actually very easy to see. In daily life, the three most obvious manifestations are that they will endure you like this.

The person who truly loves you will endure three times

The person who truly loves you will endure three times

Endure your temper

There was a high praise answer on Zhihu, and the answerer used a story of his friend to answer what true love is.

The answerer's friend is grumpy, and it is easy to clash with others when he does not agree, and he has broken up with several girlfriends in this way.

Later, a friend befriended a girl who was as grumpy as he was. Everyone around them thought that the two of them, with their grumpy temper, were together like Mars hitting the earth, and they had to separate early.

But unexpectedly, after friends made new girlfriends, their personalities were much milder. Even when his girlfriend is angry, he will obediently go out to buy a cup of milk tea and come back to coax her to be happy.

When asked about the friend, why I don't argue with my girlfriend now, the friend said: "What is there to argue, run away from her, don't I have to coax myself back." ”

Look, people who love you always have reason to be nice to you. Even if you have many shortcomings that others can't stand, it is still not a big problem in his place.

He is willing to put up with any temper you have because he is afraid of losing you.

The person who truly loves you will endure three times

Endure loneliness for you

If a person really loves you, then his heart can only hold you alone.

Those who have not seen each other for a long time after separation, but the other party secretly raises another object to chat with in their mobile phones, this is not pure love, but loneliness.

So, don't easily touch who has liked you for how long, and don't easily feel proud of who you've been with for years. What really moves you is that he likes you without distractions and doesn't hook up with others because you're not around.

It's not that after a person likes you, he can't look at other beautiful women and chase his favorite idols.

But from the level of morality and character, a person who can endure loneliness for you is not only a high moral bottom line, but also a character worth believing.

The person who truly loves you will endure three times

Endure the cold words of others for you

When two people are together, sometimes they will suffer from all kinds of dislikes from the people around them, or some rejection from the family. Your ears will be more or less filled with an afternoon, "You are not so right together", "He can't give you a better life"... Words like that.

But if the other party can unswervingly be with you, and can accept the cold words of others, it means that he really wants to be with you for a lifetime.

Difficulties are actually the touchstone for two people together, if you can't withstand the test of life, then you can see that when the other party is with you, it is not sincere.

A person who really loves you will always put up with your small shortcomings and bad temper, and may sometimes really be angry with you, but looking back on the time with you, he will feel that if he loses you, then he will regret it.

In short, if he has you in his heart, he will find all kinds of reasons to love you.

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