
Column | Poetry Lesson 22: Autumn Sunset

The column | a small class of poetry


Du Mu: Autumn Sunset

Qiu Xi (Tang) Du Mu

Silver candle autumn light cold painting screen, light luo small fan fluttering firefly.

The night is as cool as water, and you can sit and watch the morning glory Vega.


In the poem "Autumn Sunset", Du Mu delicately describes a fragment of the life of a palace girl. This kind of poem that writes about grievances in the palace has a name called "palace grievance poems".

A few words are used in the poem: silver candles, cold painting screens, cool as water, and people who read them are also cool, as if they have become the lonely palace girl, alone in the palace on autumn nights to see the stars.

Although it is in a palace, this palace must be very remote to think of, why?

Because the ancients believed that fireflies were something that could only be found in the wild grass, the palace maid waved a fan to fight the fireflies, doesn't that mean that the courtyard where she lives is already full of grass?

It's autumn, so why use a fan?

The ancients often used the "autumn fan" as a metaphor for an abandoned woman, because in the autumn the fan will be picked up. This palace lady with a luo fan should have been forgotten in this deserted palace for a long time, right?

It was late at night, and the coolness was striking, but the palace maid did not go to sleep, still sitting on the stone steps in front of the palace, staring at the cowherd weaver girl in the sky. What was she thinking?

Maybe she remembered her own life, the days at home before entering the palace, the relatives of the family had not seen each other for many years;

I also remembered the loneliness of these years, the cowherd weaver girl in the sky can still see her face for a year, but she is alone every year.

But it is also possible that she was just feeling the coolness of this autumn night, which was originally a moving picture, a woman sitting on the stone steps, playing with the glittering fireflies, looking up at the starry sky, surrounded by silence, the years are quiet.

In any case, when we look at the stars at night, we always think of this poem from time to time.

Du Mu

Du Mu (803 – c. 852), courtesy name Muzhi, was a native of Jingzhao Wannian (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi) and a poet of the late Tang Dynasty. Du Mu's poetry is famous for its seven words and sentences, creating the peak of late Tang poetry, known as "Xiao Du".

Al reverie

Ancient times left a large number of palace complaint poems, do you know why?

In ancient China, almost every emperor had three palaces, six courtyards, seventy-two concubines, and three thousand harem beauties. When another emperor ascends the throne, new women will pour into the palace gates.

Over time, the number of women in the palace became very large, and there were only a few concubines, and the rest were all palace women. Although the royal family will let some palace women out of the palace every once in a while, the majority of those who remain are still left.

Life in the palace is often lonely and tasteless, there are no relatives or friends, the rules are a lot, and the time is wasted every day. The palace ladies live in this environment, and their mood is naturally not too pleasant.

The emotionally rich poets felt the grievances of the palace women and sympathized with their situation, so they created a large number of palace complaint poems that reflected their feelings. Li Bai, Du Fu, and Lu You all wrote palace grievance poems.

Column | Poetry Lesson 22: Autumn Sunset

About the Author

Column | Poetry Lesson 22: Autumn Sunset

Yan Huile

Founder of Lixue Educational Institution and senior book practitioner.

Love to read, love movies, love to draw, immerse yourself in the fun of audiovisual and try to share them.

Its style is vivid and interesting, with profound philosophies in a witty language.

He has published "The Great Adventure of Crossing Hidden in idioms".

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