
Su Dongpo, the "national idol" of the Song Dynasty, was actually a "fashion celebrity"

Su Dongpo, the "national idol" of the Song Dynasty, was actually a "fashion celebrity"

How did Su Shi become a master in history? Let's take a look!

Su Shi is the star figure of the Song Dynasty, his identity, is not only a popular literary master, but also a gourmet who developed Dongpo meat and a designer who designed a variety of Dongpo hat styles, today we will talk about his independent design and production, personal endorsement of the "Dongpo hat".

Su Dongpo, the "national idol" of the Song Dynasty, was actually a "fashion celebrity"

First, the sub-hat

In the first year of the Yuan Dynasty, the young Song Zhezong took the throne, Su Shi was recalled by Empress Gao to Kaifeng, Kyoto, Su Shi walked on the street of Kaifeng, his attire caused many fans to watch, the hat he wore was made of black yarn, the hat body was long and the brim of the hat was extremely short, very much like a tall barrel buckled upside down on the head, this outfit appeared, everyone followed suit, Su Shi with the same style of Zi Zhan hat for a while, according to the "Yi Jianzhi" record, every New Year's Festival, up to the princes and nobles, down to the common people, almost no one did not wear the "Zi Zhan hat".

Su Dongpo, the "national idol" of the Song Dynasty, was actually a "fashion celebrity"

2. Dongpo Kasa

Dongpo Doujia is said to have gone to visit Li Ziyun one day after Su Dongpo was exiled to Danzhou, Hainan, and when it rained on the road, he borrowed bamboo and clogs from a nearby farmer to avoid the rain. He dressed strangely, causing the local women and children to laugh, and even the dogs barked at him, and Su Dongpo said: "Laughter is strange, barking is also strange!" Later generations cited this incident, but praised Su Dongpo's open-minded optimism and affinity with the people. A circle of black or blue cloth several inches long was added along the edge of the bucket to prevent direct sunlight from reaching the face of the person, and the local people immediately accepted this kind of hat, called "Dongpo Kasa".

Su Dongpo, the "national idol" of the Song Dynasty, was actually a "fashion celebrity"

3. Coconut crown

In July of the fourth year of Shaosheng (1097), Su Dongpo's father and son arrived at the Changhua Army's retreat. At this time, Su Dongpo's mood was the most depressed, and only Hainan's peculiar wind objects could bring them some novelty, especially coconuts, which was very novel for Su Shi's father and son who went to Hainan for the first time. Su Shi's son Su Guo looked at the coconut, and then looked at his father, who had been a gentleman in the past and was in decline this year, and suddenly had a whim, and made a hat for his father with coconut shells on the spot to please his father. Dongpo was really happy, modified the hat, and asked local artists to carve a coconut carving hat with a coconut shell called "coconut crown", and the coconut crown was the result of the joint creation of Dongpo's father and son.

Su Shi's life can be described as "ups and downs, downs and downs...", but no matter what kind of setbacks he encounters, Su Shi will always maintain the mentality of "a smoke and rain for a peaceful life", spoiled and not alarmed, and every time he goes to a new environment, he benefits the people. In times of hardship, warriors may be suppressed, but never defeated.

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