
Entering the meta-universe Huawei is applying for the "meta-OS" trademark

To say that this year's hottest word in the field of science and technology, the word "metacosm" must have a place. When major manufacturers have announced the entry of the "meta-universe", Huawei cannot sit still.

Entering the meta-universe Huawei is applying for the "meta-OS" trademark

According to the enterprise investigation website, recently, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is applying for the "meta OS" trademark, the application number is 61186313, and the international classification is scientific instruments.

Entering the meta-universe Huawei is applying for the "meta-OS" trademark

This is not the first time that Huawei has applied for a trademark with a "Yuan" element, as Huawei has previously applied for the registration of trademarks such as "Hongmengyuan Service", "Hongmengyuan Procedure", and "HARMONYOS Meta Service", of which the "Hongmengyuan Service" trademark has been registered.

At present, Huawei has not disclosed what field it will apply "meta OS" and "Hongmeng yuan service" to.


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