
Big Stomach King Eat Broadcast Attention! The four departments issued a document: it is forbidden to publish most of the programs such as eating

On December 17, Nandu reporters learned from the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission that the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and other four departments issued a notice on printing and distributing the "Anti-Food Waste Work Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plan" points out that radio stations, television stations, and online audio and video service providers are prohibited from producing, publishing, or disseminating programs or audio and video information that waste food, such as mostly eating or overeating, and refusing to make corrections or where the circumstances are serious, they shall be fined, reported for criticism, or programs suspended for rectification.

Big Stomach King Eat Broadcast Attention! The four departments issued a document: it is forbidden to publish most of the programs such as eating

Nandu reporter learned that the "Plan" from the promotion of food conservation and loss, curb food waste in the catering industry, strengthen the catering economy of public institutions, promote the rational use of food, strict law enforcement supervision, strengthen the organization and implementation of six aspects to formulate anti-food waste work program.

The "Plan" clearly states that it is necessary to promote the reduction of losses in all links before grain consumption, improve the standard system of grain conservation and loss reduction, and carry out the investigation and assessment of waste in the grain storage link. In terms of curbing food waste in the catering industry, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the catering industry. Commerce departments at all levels have taken measures to encourage catering service operators to provide meal sharing services and disclose their anti-food waste to the public. Urge catering takeaway platforms and catering service operators to remind consumers to order appropriate amounts of food on demand in a significant manner. The anti-food waste is included as an important content in the tourism and catering industry, accommodation industry and scenic spot standards that are being revised.

In terms of strengthening the saving of catering in public institutions, the "Plan" points out that it is necessary to promote the anti-food waste in the canteens of government agencies and units. Establish an evaluation and notification system for the effectiveness of anti-food waste work in government canteens, and include anti-food waste in the assessment of energy conservation resources of public institutions and the creation of conservation-oriented organs. Strengthen the management of official receptions, meetings, training and other official activities. Units that expose typical cases of food and beverage waste and promote work ineffectively. Encourage public institutions with the capacity to use local resource treatment equipment for kitchen waste. In addition, the school canteen catering conservation action was launched. Put forward the school canteen food raw material procurement, storage, processing, production and sales and other aspects of the saving and loss work plan.

Big Stomach King Eat Broadcast Attention! The four departments issued a document: it is forbidden to publish most of the programs such as eating

The catering industry posted the "Cherish Grain" logo. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Cao Jianxiong)

At the same time, we will promote the rational use of food and establish a docking mechanism for food donation needs. Guide food producers and traders to donate food to relevant social organizations, welfare organizations, aid agencies, and other organizations or individuals under the premise of ensuring food safety. Improve the temporary food sales system. Optimize the food labeling system, encourage food producers to clearly mark the "best eating date" and "shelf life date" on food packaging, and support food producers and operators to sell food close to the "best consumption date" at preferential prices. Promote the resource utilization of kitchen waste. Increase support for enterprises that utilize kitchen waste resources, strengthen the market promotion of products for the resource utilization of kitchen waste, and promote the application of compost, biogas slurry, biogas residue and other products in agricultural and forestry production.

In terms of strict law enforcement supervision, the "Plan" makes it clear that the local market supervision and management departments carry out daily supervision and law enforcement against food waste, strengthen law enforcement inspection training, and implement the relevant provisions of the "Anti-Food Waste Law" in accordance with their duties. Local market supervision and management departments or departments designated by local governments shall give warnings to catering service operators who do not take the initiative to remind consumers of food waste prevention; give warnings or fines to catering service operators who induce or mislead consumers to over-order and cause obvious waste; and interview, order corrections, or impose fines on food producers and traders who have seriously wasted food in the process of production and operation.

In addition, strict supervision of food waste-related information. It is forbidden for radio stations, television stations, and online audio and video service providers to produce, publish, or disseminate programs or audio and video information that waste food, such as mostly publicity and publicity, or overeating, and those who refuse to make corrections or where the circumstances are serious, are to be fined, circulate criticism, or programs are suspended for rectification, and the directly responsible managers and other directly responsible personnel are to be pursued for responsibility in accordance with laws and regulations.

Written by: Nandu reporter Feng Yiran

Source: Official website of the National Development and Reform Commission

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