
General Marshall has never led a soldier to fight in his life, and the U.S. army does not have the position of marshal because of him!

Marshall influenced not only the United States, but also the world. Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953, a nobel peace prize awarded to a general who commanded his army into war, which is a unique thing.

The United States has only three five-star generals in the Army, and Marshall is one of them, and his influence is evident.

General Marshall has never led a soldier to fight in his life, and the U.S. army does not have the position of marshal because of him!

The U.S. army did not have the post of marshal because of him. Because in 1943, Marshall cruelly refused to be awarded the rank of Field Marshal by the U.S. Congress, the highest rank ever in U.S. history.

Marshall thinks he is not worthy, he feels that his old boss of the US military "special general" "Pershing contributed the most to the United States, is the U.S. military deserved to be a good general,

However, the US Congress still feels that Marshall is the most outstanding general in the US military, and in order to show respect for Marshall, the US military has never had the title of marshal. That meant that Marshall didn't recognize the marshal, and no one after him was worthy.

If the definition of a war is to go to the battlefield with a weapon in his own hands, or to command a battle on the front line with bullets and bullets, Marshall certainly did not participate in the battle.

General Marshall has never led a soldier to fight in his life, and the U.S. army does not have the position of marshal because of him!

Although at the outbreak of World War I, Marshall took part in the operations against Germany in France with the U.S. Army's First Infantry Division as a divisional staff officer. Although he had inspected and patrolled the battlefield under heavy gunfire, in the smoke-filled trenches, he had never personally commanded a battle.

Compared with the distinguished generals of Eisenhower, MacArthur, Nimitz, Patton, and Bradley, Marshall's name is not thunderous to us, and even a little strange.

But the members of the U.S. Congress were the elite of the United States, they were not deaf and blind, they were discerning and represented the will of the American people, since they all decided to award Marshal Marshalle the rank of marshal at that time, (at that time, Marshall was the only one who was awarded this title.) This shows that Marshall is really extraordinary, and indeed has made a great contribution to the United States.

In this way, Marshall not only made a great contribution to the United States, but also influenced American history.

General Marshall has never led a soldier to fight in his life, and the U.S. army does not have the position of marshal because of him!

What did Marshall contribute to the United States?

During World War II, Marshall always served as the chief of the general staff of the UNITED States Army, was the commander-in-chief of the US army, and all the military combat plans of the US army were formulated by him or personally reviewed before he made a final decision and made a decision.

The national anti-fascist united front was established by Marshall with the assistance of President Roosevelt, and this united front is the gravedigger of fascism and the burial of Hitler.

Third, the promoters of the Marshall Plan "the initiators".

Among Marshall's contributions, the most prominent is the third, and it is the Marshall Plan that has made him famous in history and made America truly great.

General Marshall has never led a soldier to fight in his life, and the U.S. army does not have the position of marshal because of him!

What about the Marshall Plan? What is the Marshall Plan?

The original name of the Marshall Plan was the European Revival Program, and because Marshall was one of the main advocates of the plan, everyone called it the Marshall Plan.

Aid to Europe was not the first to be proposed by Marshall.

However, because of Marshall's special status and talent, on June 5, 1947, George Marshall, then secretary of state of the United States, gave a speech at Harvard University, proposing a plan to assist the economic revival of Europe, which was paid attention to by the US Congress, and the plan was formulated and implemented.

After a brief cheer of victory at the end of World War II, the mood quickly grew heavier. The war devastated the land of Europe, and the people of Europe lost not only their loved ones, but also their homes.

The ongoing bombardment has reduced most of the big cities to rubble and factories to piles of rubble.

General Marshall has never led a soldier to fight in his life, and the U.S. army does not have the position of marshal because of him!

Thousands of people are not only homeless, but also starving.

This was followed by two consecutive years of rare winters in northwestern Europe, which exacerbated the suffering of people living in poverty and hunger.

The people want to eat, the factories to start, the cities to rebuild, the transportation to be restored, and everything to be rebuilt, but the war has long made these countries financially unable to make ends meet and are heavily indebted.

With the economy on the brink of collapse, the scarcity of food and fuel, and the lack of money to import, how can Europeans live?

If these crises are not resolved, a serious political crisis will erupt in Europe and societies will fall into turmoil.

Who will save Europe, who can save Europe, who wants to save Europe?

And only the United States in the world can take on this mission to save Europe, and the United States has not experienced war on its own; they are willing to save Europe because they are a people with a sense of mission.

In April 1948, President Truman officially signed the bill to activate the Marshall Plan, and the United States began the "Money Project", began to send charcoal to the dying Europe, and began economic blood transfusions.

General Marshall has never led a soldier to fight in his life, and the U.S. army does not have the position of marshal because of him!

This blood transfusion is truly extraordinary and unprecedented.

According to statistics, from 1948 to 1952 alone, the United States sent $14.2 billion in financial aid to 16 European countries, which is about a trillion dollars today if calculated by purchasing power.

Whether the United States is a hero or not, let's not say, there is no doubt that the United States is the world leader, and what they have done is enough to prove this.

The boss cannot just eat and take cards like Stalin, cannot blindly dump goods on other countries, but also "transfuses" them, encouraging them to develop the economy and produce goods to trade with the United States.

The result of this is that Europe is convinced of the United States, grateful to the United States, and has since united closely around the United States, willing to be driven by the United States, unswervingly listening to the orders of the United States, and raising its hands to support the United States as the world's policeman.

General Marshall has never led a soldier to fight in his life, and the U.S. army does not have the position of marshal because of him!

After the end of the First World War, because the victorious countries did not ask questions of the defeated countries, it led to the outbreak of The Second World War, and mankind suffered another disaster. And the Marshall Plan saved Europe and brought lasting peace to the world, is Marshall's impact still small?

Marshall died in 1959 at the age of 79. The bad news spread to Europe, and many people in Western Europe wept bitterly.

Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said of Marshall this way: "He is the last great man of contemporary America." ''

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