
Yan Junpeng ‖ the youth line

Yan Junpeng ‖ the youth line

Juvenile line

Yan Junpeng

The red sun rises from the top of the mountain

A few of us teenagers ran hard

Chase the warm glow of the sun

Debauchery in a childlike mountain field

Galloping in the innocent loess land

Several teenagers were saddled with the brilliance of hope

Climb on the ridge and run upwards

Dark clouds obscured the morning sun in the sky

The teenager tore his throat

Let out an arrogant scream to the heavens

The winds rolled dust and sand

Failed to block the youthful arrogance of the blazing eyes

The filthy world grabbed the ankles of the teenager

Ask him for humble fame and fortune

Between heaven and earth, lightning and thunder

The earth cracked and tears flowed

The teenager's back glowed

Soar into the sky and shake the sky

This is a long-suppressed grief

The boy's body was covered with dirty mud

Debauchery in the fields of innocence

Galloping in the innocent yellow map of the earth

Sneaking in the darkness

Let out a roar of grief to the world

In the light and shadow of the Western Sun

The teenagers stood on the top of the hill with each other in their arms

Declare war on the night and wait for the dawn

Yan Junpeng ‖ the youth line

Teenage sorrow

The streets of the Five Battalions were filled with traffic

Under the street lights at the head of the bridge

There were no more teenagers walking

The steps of the Yangou Gougou estuary are on the upper edge

Thick cigarettes filled the air

There was silence in the black ground

Only a few red cigarette butts

The sound of colliding with a can

It was a broken heart

Yan Junpeng ‖ the youth line

About the Author:

Yan Junpeng, pen name: Sang Yuan, born in 2002, from Qin'an, Gansu. His prose works include "Old Peasant", "Hui Huo", "Lifting a Pen, Not What My Heart Desires", etc., including the essay "Tiger's Mouth Escape", modern poetry such as "Nian Yi Que De Ren Haggard", "Feeding the Horse Traveler", "I Wish To Be", etc., the article "Snow in a Small Town" was published in "Xitri Wenyuan", and "Wine Erosion" was published in "Qinzhou Micro-Journal". He is good at recording life and calligraphy emotions with words, likes calligraphy writing, traditional musical instruments, and loves Qin cavity.

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