
Diabetic patients, 4 misunderstandings of blood sugar reduction, hurry away, avoid complications to find the door

When it comes to diabetes, the first thing that comes to mind for many people is the high incidence of diabetes and the need for long-term treatment, and indeed, as a common metabolic disease, so far, there is no complete cure in the clinic, and the disease can only be controlled through medical methods and changes in living habits.

And the relevant survey data show that the hypoglycemic method used by some people in life is not accurate, such as the 4 misunderstandings mentioned below, I hope that everyone will stay away quickly to prevent diabetes complications from coming to the door.

Diabetic patients, 4 misunderstandings of blood sugar reduction, hurry away, avoid complications to find the door

1, grains with low sweetness can eat more

Mixed grains are what we call corn, soybeans, potatoes, and brown rice, etc. Compared to staple foods such as larger rice and noodles, the taste of grains is indeed not so sweet, and there is more dietary fiber, which helps to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, so it has been recognized by diabetic people.

But what everyone does not know is that although the grains are not sweet to eat, they contain certain calories, which will be absorbed into sugar after entering the human body, which will promote the rise of blood sugar.

Diabetic patients, 4 misunderstandings of blood sugar reduction, hurry away, avoid complications to find the door

2. Take high-priced hypoglycemic drugs

With the continuous development of society, people's income level is also getting higher and higher, some people after being diagnosed with diabetes, they all hope to be cured as soon as possible, so they preconceived that expensive drugs work better, but in fact, this idea is not correct.

Because the price of the drug is related to the composition, and the physical condition and pathogenesis of each patient are very different;

If you only pursue high-priced hypoglycemic drugs, it is likely that you will not be able to achieve the effect of lowering blood sugar, on the contrary, even if the price is relatively low, but the drug ingredients are more suitable for your own physical condition, in order to achieve more with less.

Diabetic patients, 4 misunderstandings of blood sugar reduction, hurry away, avoid complications to find the door

3. Do not eat any fruit

Apples, bananas, grapes and other fruits common in daily life do have a sweet taste when eaten, so diabetics think that after eating fruit, they will raise their blood sugar, even if they refuse to eat fruit.

But in fact, there are various trace elements in the fruit, after entering the human body, on the one hand, it can accelerate blood circulation and metabolism, and at the same time can also improve the activity of insulin, thereby helping to control the development of the disease.

Therefore, after suffering from diabetes, you need to consult a professional doctor, if you can, the appropriate intake of about 100 grams of fruit per day is conducive to the treatment of diabetes.

Diabetic patients, 4 misunderstandings of blood sugar reduction, hurry away, avoid complications to find the door

4. Eat only vegetarian food

Some diabetic people believe that the reason why diabetes occurs is that they often eat meat food on weekdays, so after finding diabetes, they will resolutely stay away from meat food.

However, everyone ignores that meat contains vitamins, amino acids and fats and other nutrients needed by the human body, if you do not eat meat and only eat vegetarian, the body lacks the corresponding energy, which in turn is easy to induce hypoglycemia problems.

Diabetic patients, 4 misunderstandings of blood sugar reduction, hurry away, avoid complications to find the door

In fact, in addition to the above 4 misunderstandings that diabetics need to pay attention to, only taking medicine without re-examination is also one of the triggers.

Because everyone's physique is different, the condition may improve after taking the drug, there may be bad changes, only regular examination can clearly understand the changes in blood sugar, if there are signs of improvement, under the guidance of the doctor to reduce the dosage of medication, on the contrary, you need to adjust the medication regimen.

Diabetic patients, 4 misunderstandings of blood sugar reduction, hurry away, avoid complications to find the door

All in all, in order to prevent diabetic complications from coming to the door, everyone must seek medical treatment in time after the disease, first of all, under the guidance of a doctor, using a medical method of treatment, and then pay attention to the matters in life.

In particular, the mistakes mentioned above must not be made, otherwise it will only accelerate the development of the disease.

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