
The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Lemon is a common ingredient for cooking and drinking, and the mention of lemon can be associated with its fresh aroma, and lemon grapefruit tea is also a household name. In fact, we grow lemons at home, which is also quite fruitful.

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

Seasonal lemons or perfume lemons are more suitable for growing in homes. If in the southern region, Fujian, Liangguang and Hainan regions, these lemons can bear fruit all year round, while in other regions, they can only bear fruit once a year, but the flowers are also fragrant, the amount of fruit hanging is also large, and it is easier to raise. So how to care for lemons at home?

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

There are many varieties of lemons, as the name suggests, the four seasons of lemons are lemons that can bear fruit all year round, and it can continue to flower and hang fruit throughout the year. However, if there are many fruits hanging, it is necessary to properly loosen the buds and fruits during flowering, so as to avoid it consuming too much nutrients, which causes the lemon to grow badly. We grow lemons at home, it is also more cost-effective, not only can appreciate the flowers, but also smell its aroma, but also can eat lemon fruit, in one fell swoop.

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

The aroma of lemon blossoms is fragrant and elegant, after the fruit is ripe, the yellow is permeated with green, and you can smell the fruity aroma when you get close, which is equivalent to having a natural aromatherapy taste, fresh and elegant, and permeated with the fragrance of nature. We can use lemons to make a variety of food, but also can be made into lemon honey, lemon grapefruit tea, is not very good?

First, the soil in which it is planted

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

The soil for planting lemons is best to use loose and breathable acidic soil, because lemons are plants in the south, and the soil that is liked is acidic, and when the soil is configured, it can be mixed with some pine needle soil, mixed with some granular soil, and then mixed with some pastoral soil, each accounting for 1/3 of the proportion. Lemon can grow very tall, the root system is also relatively developed, because it is originally a tree, so it is very spicy to maintain. As long as the soil is well breathable and acidic, it is the root of its growth.

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

Second, the light of lemons

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

Lemon is particularly fond of light plants, it needs strong light all year round, if you raise lemons at home, try to have a place with enough light, if the home is not light, then do not raise lemons, it is not easy to grow well, flowering is also easy to hang off, so on the balcony to put it in the most well-lit place, and it likes a warm and humid environment, you can often give lemon spray moisturizing, so that its leaves spray with water mist. As much as possible to open the window ventilation, in order to be the lemon growth environment, if particularly dry, especially prone to scorched tip, yellow leaves.

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

Third, the situation of watering

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

Lemon it is a relatively drought-tolerant plant, because it is originally a tree, the root system is more developed, the pot as far as possible with a larger pot soil, dry to half and then water it. When watering, mix with a little fertilizer, you can mix it with some potassium dihydrogen phosphate during its flowering. If it hangs fruit, it should be watered three times a month with potassium fertilizer, which can promote the growth of the fruit and increase the sweetness of the fruit. Potassium fertilizer can be supplemented with Huaduoduo No. 12, and if not, it can also be supplemented with potassium dihydrogen phosphate or Huaduoduo No. 2. However, the lemon planted on the ground does not have to worry about the problem of watering, its root system can be rooted very deeply, like a tree, and it does not matter if you forget to water.

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

So if there is a place in the south to plant lemons, plant a lemon in the garden, it can grow year after year, blossom and bear fruit, don't care about it, it is a particularly good lazy tree. But in the northern region can be used potted, it is best to use a larger pot, placed in a place with sufficient light, in the winter to take the indoor to keep warm, and if the room is too dry, but also often spray it moisturizing, to prevent it from dry tip, yellow leaves.

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

If the temperature is too low, it will also enter a dormant state, so there are ways to raise lemons in the south and the north. Lemons generally bloom most vigorously in the spring, and its flowers are much more special. When flowering, try to put it outside to pollinate, if there are too many small fruits, proper buds, each branch can keep two or three fruits, do not keep all the fruits, that will also cause fruit fall.

The potted "lemon" at home, the hanging fruit is large and yellow, the flowers are like perfume, good to raise and delicious

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