
Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

author:Bao Ma Kitchen

Autumn is coming, suitable for filling vegetables more, cabbage, radish, cabbage prices are cheap and fresh, especially this year's pork thieves are cheap, use it to mix with vegetables is the most suitable. Pork stuffing is the most versatile, and what dishes can be mixed together, compared to other meats it is more fragrant, modern living standards have improved, more people pay attention to health, pay attention to meat and vegetarian collocation. This time I steamed two large pot buns for my family, don't look at the vegetables and meaty filling, but it is more fragrant than putting a lot of meat!

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

Why is the bun stuffing more delicious? When I was young, the conditions at home were limited, and the skillful mother put very little meat stuffing when steaming buns, but the buns made were fragrant, and it turned out that it was not raw meat directly into the filling, but more than this step, which was to fry the meat stuffing, so that a process, no matter what dishes were put in it, it was fragrant. After I have a small home, I will use the method taught to me by my mother, put more vegetables and less meat, use the method of fried meat filling, and sure enough, the taste is very good, not greasy, the taste is good, the production is simple, it is really a success, zero failure!

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

【Pork cabbage mushroom bun】

Ingredients needed: 800 grams of ordinary flour, 8 grams of dried yeast, 1 medium cabbage, 200 grams of fat and lean pork filling, half a bowl of soft black fungus, 6 soft yellow mushrooms, 1/3 onion, soy sauce, minced ginger, vegetable oil, soybean paste, thirteen spices, salt

Detailed instructions:

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

1. Hair noodles. Dry yeast into the non-hot warm water soaked until melted and stirred well, and then stirred into the flour, cold fermentation can add 1 large spoon of sugar to increase the activity of yeast, accelerate the fermentation speed, yeast water is not enough then hand warm water then mix the dough, and then knead into a light dough, cover the lid, put in a warm place to ferment to twice as large;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

2. Adjust the filling. The ingredients for filling are medium-sized cabbage, as well as soaked soft washed black fungus and small yellow mushrooms, fat and lean pork filling has 200 grams is enough, onions need 1/3, flavoring, there is no need to enlarge the onion, the taste is more fragrant;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

3, break the cabbage slice by piece, soak in water to wash, and then use the stuffing machine to crush into the filling, pour into a large basin, add 2 spoons of salt and mix well, and then grab, kill the water for 8 minutes;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

4, crush the onion with a grinder and pour it into a bowl for later, and then crush the fungus and mushrooms;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

5, add the amount of vegetable oil in the pot, pour the meat filling on high heat and stir-fry until it changes color, the juice changes from muddy to clear, pour in ginger and onion and then sauté on high heat until the onion is fragrant; the meat filling is more meat-saving than the direct filling, and the taste is more intense than the raw meat mixing filling;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

6, then put in 1 tablespoon of soybean sauce to Titian, then add half a spoonful of thirteen spices, add a small amount of soy sauce to tone, medium and high heat and then stir-fry evenly;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

7, pour in the mushroom filling, add salt to taste, sauté for 1 minute, turn off the heat, leave the heat to cool and set aside;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

8, and then put the water-killing cabbage stuffing with water, pour it into the meat filling pot, mix well with chopsticks, this fragrant pork cabbage mushroom filling will be adjusted, rich in nutrition and doubly fragrant!

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

9, in the picture is fermented to twice as large a dough, the feel of light and fluttery, dense honeycomb;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

10, knead the dough, and then knead into long strips, cut into equal-sized dough with a knife, press flat and then roll out into a thick round dough;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

11, Add enough cold water to the large steamer, put on the drawer, and then brush a little vegetable oil to prevent stickiness. Take the dough skin wrapped into the filling, pinch the pleated seal in the shape of a bun, leave a gap on the drawer while wrapping, cover the pot lid after the upper and lower drawers are wrapped, cook at room temperature for 8 minutes, then open the pot on high heat, SAIC only starts to count, steam for 16 minutes to turn off the heat;

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

12, Turn off the heat and wait for 3 minutes to open the lid, and the fat bun will be steamed.

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

【Pork cabbage mushroom bun】 Steamed, Bao Ma will nag a few words again:

1, use the method of stir-fried meat filling to adjust the filling, suitable for a variety of vegetables, save meat and be fragrant, and the success rate is 100%;

2, the fried meat filling can be mixed with many kinds of vegetables, such as Chinese cabbage, radish;

3, the cold noodles are relatively slow, there are 3 ways to promote fermentation: yeast with warm water to melt, warm water and noodles, add some sugar. It should be noted that the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees, so as not to burn the yeast and affect the face;

4, if you want the bun to be delicious and softer, in addition to a fermentation, you also need to make a second bun for 8 minutes after the bun is cooked, and the bun grows chubby.

Why is the bun stuffing delicious? Mom used the stuffing method for decades, and what dishes were fragrant, once successful

This article is the original work of Bao Ma Xiao Chef, it is strictly forbidden to carry and steal pictures, and infringement must be investigated! Bao Ma's small chef specializes in home cooking, pasta and breakfast. Food is the taste of home, love can do better, three meals have "temperature", experience the fun in the kitchen!

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