
Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

The ancient level of science and technology was relatively backward, and people's illness could only be healed by relying on the doctor's method of "looking, smelling, asking, and cutting". These healers who can cure and save people and are highly skilled are called "divine doctors".

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were three famous doctors in the world. One of them is the famous Hua Tuo. There is a lot of speculation about Hua Tuo's death. However, what is certain is that Hua Tuo's death was related to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

Cao Cao was a very famous figure at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Because of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" written by Luo Guanzhong, Cao Cao's image as a "generation of tyrants" is even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, no matter how much he called the wind and rain in the imperial court and how invincible he was on the battlefield, he always had a very fatal weakness: he suffered from headaches.

It is recorded in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Book of Wei: "Taizu was bitter and bitter." Around the age of thirty, Cao Cao suffered from a headache. Whenever a headache strikes, it hurts: the head hurts like a burst, and it can even lead to delirium. It is not until the pain is relieved that you feel awake.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

Cao Cao was tormented by this headache for many years. In his early years, he was only a small local general with no power, so he could not find a famous doctor to heal him. When he grasped one-third of the world's power and had the right to "blackmail the Son of Heaven to order the princes", he was able to ask the best doctor in the world to heal him.

At this time, Cao Cao's headache was already very serious. In order to cure the headache, he sought out many famous doctors, but the final treatment effect was very unsatisfactory.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

Until one day, one of his generals told him something. It turned out that Guan Yu, a general under Liu Bei, was unfortunately shot in the shoulder blade of the back by a poisoned arrow when he was engaged with the enemy army on the battlefield.

By the time he came down from the battlefield and treated his wounds, the poison had penetrated deep into his spine. A divine doctor named "Hua Tuo" "scraped the bones" of Guan Yu, and finally cleaned up the poison in his body and successfully saved Guan Yu. Hua Tuo's name of "Divine Doctor" was also widely known.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

After Cao Cao heard about this incident, he also felt that Hua Tuo's medical skills were superb. He thought: Maybe this divine doctor named Hua Tuo can cure my headache? Therefore, Cao Cao sent someone to ask Hua Tuo to come and treat him.

After several twists and turns, Cao Cao's men finally found Hua Tuo and took him to Cao's camp. After some diagnosis and treatment of Cao Cao, Hua Tuo believed that Cao Cao's headache disease had a long history, and ordinary acupuncture or taking medicine could not cure this stubborn disease. Finally, Hua Tuo came up with an idea that shocked everyone: to open the skull and release the sick qi in the head.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

Cut open the skull, cutting open the head of a living person. This method of adventure is unheard of. After Cao Cao heard Hua Tuo's words, he fell into contemplation. Soon after, the offer of "craniotomy" was rejected. Hua Tuo did not force it, gave Cao Cao acupuncture, left a prescription, and left Cao Ying.

After Hua Tuo's acupuncture treatment, Cao Cao's headache was briefly alleviated. However, it didn't take long for his headache to recur, even more severe than before. Cao Cao found other famous doctors, but still no effect.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

In desperation, he asked Hua Tuo to come to Cao Ying to treat him. This time, his men did not bring Hua Tuo. Hua Tuo rejected Cao Cao's edict on the grounds that "his wife was sick at home and had no one to take care of her."

Because of the headache attack, Cao Cao's mood was very bad, and his temper was also very grumpy. After hearing this news, his mood was even worse. Cao Cao decided to have people take the precious medicinal herbs and go to Hua Tuo's house again. And, be sure to invite Hua Tuo to come.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

The soldiers of the Cao camp arrived at Hua Tuo's home, but found Hua Tuo's wife bouncing around alive and not sick at all. They returned to Cao's camp and told Cao Cao about the situation. After listening to the soldiers' words, Cao Cao was furious. So he ordered: "Take Hua Tuo down and kill him." In the end, Hua Tuo, a generation of famous doctors, was killed by cao cao.

Many people have different views on why Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo. In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Mr. Luo Guanzhong, he believes that Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo because of his serious suspiciousness; Cao Cao suspected that Hua Tuo wanted to kill him.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

In fact, Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo not because of a momentary impulse, but to take care of the overall situation. His visionary strategy made him have to make the decision to kill Hua Tuo. Hua Tuo was a man with very high and superb medical skills, but his personal character could never be compared with his medical skills.

Hua Tuo is proud of talent and mercenary. People are often charged very high a fee for diagnosis and treatment. In the hearts of the people, Hua Tuo's image is very bad. Therefore, to a certain extent, Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo and was able to win the love of some people.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

Moreover, Hua Tuo treated Guan Yu's illness, and the two formed a very deep friendship. Hua Tuo had been in and out of Cao's camp many times, and Cao Cao was worried that Hua Tuo would tell Guan Yu some of the confidential layouts in Cao's camp. This will bring a very fatal blow to The Cao Army.

Most importantly, Cao Cao at that time was already a prince who divided one side, and his goal was to dominate the world and rule the country. He must seize all favorable conditions to create opportunities for himself.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

Liu Bei was a descendant of the Liu clan of the Han Dynasty and had a natural advantage in terms of blood. In the society at that time, there was a concept that "the Son of Heaven is a divine right of the king, and the Son of Heaven must inherit the orthodoxy". Liu Bei had an orthodox advantage in blood, but this was Cao Cao's disadvantage.

If this matter is not handled well, Cao Cao's great cause of striving for hegemony may be regarded by the people of the world as a rebellious act of "seeking the dynasty and usurping the throne". Therefore, Cao Cao must make up for his shortcomings in "orthodoxy".

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

It just so happened that Hua Tuo's affair gave him a chance to prove that he was "maintaining orthodoxy". According to the decree of the Eastern Han Dynasty: No one may deceive the king, and when he receives an edict from the prince, anyone must respond to the edict.

It is conceivable that Hua Tuo first rejected Cao Cao's edict, and then deceived Cao Cao on the grounds that "his wife was seriously ill and unattended". He committed two felonies at once. The Son of Heaven breaks the law and shares the same sin as the common people. Therefore, Cao Cao had to punish Hua Tuo to show his determination to uphold the laws of the Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo was a wise move? The real reason you can't guess, Hua Tuo's death is more than worth it

Hua Tuo had already committed so many taboos that Cao Cao had to kill him. Hua Tuo's death brought many benefits to Cao Cao. It can be said that Cao Cao's killing of Hua Tuo was a very clever and very admirable thing for others.

Hua Tuo, although known as a "divine doctor", has superb medical skills. However, he did many things to deceive the people of money, and was killed by Cao Cao, and he was also guilty of death.

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