
Female teachers who questioned the number of nanjing massacres were expelled, netizens: this is not academic freedom is a crime

In recent days, people have been immersed in the grief of the "Nanjing Massacre" public memorial day, and no one would have thought that Song Gengyi, a teacher at Shanghai Aurora Vocational College, questioned the number of Nanjing Massacres and made wrong remarks when he taught the "News Interview" course on December 14. This made the students who listened to the lecture on the spot extremely angry, and recorded a video report, and the female teacher's wrong remarks also triggered the anger of the Chinese people.

Female teachers who questioned the number of nanjing massacres were expelled, netizens: this is not academic freedom is a crime

Subsequently, the People's Daily commented on the erroneous remarks of the teachers of Aurora College, saying that more than 300,000 compatriots were killed in the Nanjing Massacre, and the evidence was overwhelming, and they speculated in vain, questioned the historical truth, and were wrongly taught! Forget the suffering, deny the evil deeds of other countries, and become a national! Education welcomes the pursuit of truth, but how can such ignorance and immorality be worthy of guiding the next generation in the name of "discerning falsification" to excuse sinners and erase national suffering? History is the foundation, and education is the future of the nation. If the future loses its foundation, where will the nation survive?

Female teachers who questioned the number of nanjing massacres were expelled, netizens: this is not academic freedom is a crime

A comment by the People's Daily said the voice of the people, and then the Memorial Hall of the Compatriots Killed in the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Army Invading China also listed the historical materials of the Nanjing Massacre, saying that it was necessary to teach some people a lesson: the nanjing massacre victims were more than 300,000 people, and the historical materials were supported here, and the evidence was overwhelming!

Female teachers who questioned the number of nanjing massacres were expelled, netizens: this is not academic freedom is a crime

As a Chinese, it is the mission and responsibility of every Chinese not to forget the national shame. As teachers, we have an obligation to tell our students the truth about history. Remembering history, remembering the mission, and forgetting is betrayal.

On this year's "Nanjing Massacre" public memorial day, our school deliberately took two lessons to tell the whole school about the history that cannot be looked back and must not be forgotten. And I was the content writer and explainer of this lesson.

I told the children that Nanjing has been a prosperous world famous city since ancient times, it is the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Southern Dynasty and the Song, Qi, Liang, Chen successively built the capital here, known as the "Ancient Capital of the Six Dynasties", the Jiankang City during the Six Dynasties period, that is, the current Nanjing has a million people. It was the first large city in the world to exceed one million, and was once called "the two major centers of classical civilization in the world" together with ancient Rome and ancient Rome.

Female teachers who questioned the number of nanjing massacres were expelled, netizens: this is not academic freedom is a crime

In 1937, Nanjing began to take shape as a modern metropolis, and the population in June was more than one million, but after experiencing the "Nanjing Massacre" and the invasion of the Japanese army, the registered population of Nanjing at the end of February 1938 was only 170,000.

On the first day of the "Nanjing Massacre," a teacher asked the students who thought they were Nanjing people on the podium of a middle school in Nanjing: "Your grandfather, grandmother, or grandfather and grandmother are from Nanjing, please stand." As a result, none of the more than 40 students in the class stood. The teacher asked: Do you know why?

Female teachers who questioned the number of nanjing massacres were expelled, netizens: this is not academic freedom is a crime

The truth is so simple, more than 300,000 people in Nanjing were slaughtered by the Japanese army in the six weeks after December 13, 1937, but even if the survivors wither away year by year, the land of Nanjing has a memory, and time is the best witness.

What we cannot imagine or understand is that a highly educated teacher, living in this land with historical footprints and memories, can make such ignorant and shameless remarks under the overwhelming historical facts! It is really a vain teacher, a vain countryman.

Subsequently, the school quickly launched an investigation and verification, and on December 16, the school notice showed that Song Gengyi's erroneous remarks caused major teaching accidents and serious adverse social impacts, and he was expelled.

Female teachers who questioned the number of nanjing massacres were expelled, netizens: this is not academic freedom is a crime

In the view of netizens, the expulsion punishment is far from enough, some netizens said: 8 French politician Gornisch questioned the specific number of deaths of the Holocaust, believed that historians should be allowed to "freely discuss", was sentenced to 3 months of probation and 5,000 euros in fines; British historian David Owen was sentenced to 3 years for denying the Holocaust; German old lady Havbeck questioned the Holocaust and was sentenced to 2 years... Defending the Fascist Holocaust is not academic freedom, but crime!

Female teachers who questioned the number of nanjing massacres were expelled, netizens: this is not academic freedom is a crime

How do you think you should punish female teachers who questioned the Nanjing Massacre and made wrong remarks? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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