
The international Omicron epidemic is confusing, and China has responded in an orderly manner

This is the most difficult time in the world, the most difficult time for human beings to fight the virus. The WHO expert group meeting agreed that "there is a need to rely on the broad implementation of public health restrictions and the completion of enhanced vaccination of vaccines, especially the unvaccinated, to join the ranks of vaccinators to cope with the risk of widespread spread of the Omikeron variant".

As can be seen from who's expert consensus, China's dynamic zero-clearing strategy, known as PHSM (Public Health and Social Measures), has been widely adopted internationally for the current Opickron response.

"Dynamic zeroing" capability is the most critical public health strategy at present. Recently, there have been frequent sporadic and local outbreaks in Delta in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Northwest China, but China's dynamic zeroing strategy has been confirmed to be able to cope in about 4 weeks. Even shaoxing Shangyu, academician Li Lanjuan mentioned that all the current cases are in a very clear chain of transmission, we beat the virus is only time, no need to panic.

Behind all our current sacrifices and perseverance is the confidence of the country's scientific and technological forces to persevere. Whether it is vaccines or drugs, we believe that we can support us through the most difficult times. When Omi Kerong appeared, the Chinese team quickly made the following judgments and made corresponding coping strategies through the power of science and technology in about 2-3 weeks:

1. Beijing Xie Xiaoliang's team: The Aumechjong variant escapes most of the current macromolecular antibody drugs, and we will still face great challenges, but China's existing antibody drug research and development lines can still keep up with the virus mutation. At present, China's macromolecular drugs that have been applied in emergency can still play a certain therapeutic effect. The National Center for Infectious Disease Medicine has also embarked on a series of new antibody clinical trials, and at the same time targeted small molecule drugs, which are about to be gradually introduced in the second half of 2021, just like the who representative's declaration yesterday, the world has the ability and confidence to control the new crown epidemic in 2022, and gradually return to normal life.

2. The Hong Kong team's study on Omiljung is about to be officially published in an international peer review, and this study makes an important judgment: the virus has significantly evaded the 2-dose vaccination and can no longer stop the spread of the virus. The level of intrabronchial replication of the new virus is significantly higher than that of Delta, and the rate of transmission is significantly increased on the basis of Delta. At present, without further tightening public health and social measures (PHSM) such as school closures, it will be difficult to stop the rapid spread of Aumicron and defeat Delta. At present, the United Kingdom has become the most rapidly rising country outside South Africa in the world. But there is also good news, the Hong Kong team and the international team confirmed that the third dose of vaccination can still significantly reduce the incidence of symptomatic NEW crown pneumonia, but also help control the incidence of hospitalization and death. But the WHO expert consensus on Omikerong points out that all this still needs to be implemented in order to step up public health measures. The fight against the epidemic has reached this juncture today, and whether China's experience is accepted or not, it has become a global common choice. Just recently, the UK has again taken public health and social measures such as school closures and has widely promoted the third dose of vaccination. All this proves that Aumikoron is not a live attenuated vaccine, and this is not the time to relax.

3. The Shanghai team and the Beijing team of the National Center for Infectious Diseases have completed a third-party assessment of the effects of homologous and heterologous third injections in China, and the research results have been fully communicated with international vaccine experts, and will be officially announced after completing international peer review, and the main research confirms that China's third injection can still retain the neutralizing effect on Omikeron and Delta, and has the potential to reduce the incidence of severe cases. China's follow-up third dose of optimized vaccination strategy is expected to be fully completed in 2021, and it will enter 2022 together with the international community. In what WHO calls the total control of COVID-19, people around the world will embrace ordinary and stable lives.

This winter and Spring Festival, we will spend the last cold winter with the international community, and we will eventually "lift the clouds and see the sky, and keep the clouds open to see the moon.".

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