
The wasteland theme is too dark? Magic Tower brings a new wasteland experience

When it comes to the wasteland theme, you should be familiar with it, the "Fallout" series, the "Mad Max" series, etc., are all world-renowned wasteland works. But I don't know if you have found that the wasteland world shown by these foreign wasteland works is mostly gray and dark, dominated by violence and resistance. This setting may not be so friendly to some players who are not very receptive. Of course, not all wasteland works are like this, such as the mobile game "Magic Tower", which brings a new wasteland design.

The wasteland theme is too dark? Magic Tower brings a new wasteland experience

As an open-world mobile game with wasteland theme, "Magic Tower" shows players a world after being polluted by radiation. But unlike the mainstream dark tone of most Wasteland games, Tower of Illusion chose to use a slightly brighter two-dimensional graphic to present such a doomsday wasteland world. Such a design not only brings players a new wasteland experience, but also expands the audience of the game, so that more players can experience the wasteland world up close.

The wasteland theme is too dark? Magic Tower brings a new wasteland experience

Not only the picture, "Magic Tower" for the presentation of human relations under the doomsday wasteland, but also jumped out of the old-fashioned oppression and resistance, violence and survival, bringing a group portrait under the doomsday wasteland. In the face of radiation pollution, elite scientists founded Helgaard, which developed suppressors that could resist radiation; ordinary people built shelters to avoid radiation; and a group called the Sons of Ada, who were immune to radiation through human modification. Son of Ida and Hijard are pitted against each other, and the refuge of our player character is held hostage by these two forces. Although the camps are clear, there is no absolute distinction between good and evil, because everyone is improving the world in the way they think is right. Such a design undoubtedly makes the game's plot more in-depth.

The wasteland theme is too dark? Magic Tower brings a new wasteland experience
The wasteland theme is too dark? Magic Tower brings a new wasteland experience

In addition, the presentation of "Magic Tower" in the details can also see the intention. As players, we no longer start with the cliché "Save the World", but join the Vault as pioneers. There we can experience a lot of daily life, collecting data, dressing, picking, cooking, etc., these grounded gameplay content, not only in the subtle completion of the game teaching, but also make the game world more three-dimensional and vivid.

The wasteland theme is too dark? Magic Tower brings a new wasteland experience

Because "Magic Tower" has just been in beta, my experience is not too long, but many of the designs in the game are eye-catching, especially for the innovative presentation of the wasteland world, which is even more surprising. If you also feel such a fresh wasteland world, then you may wish to download "Magic Tower" to experience it.

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